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Why do some people refuse to live in big cities?Large cities are too large to control; they impose their living conditions on the people who inhabit them.City-dwellers are obliged to adopt an unusual way of life.Furthermore, it seems impossible to avoid the rush hour; wherever you go, roads are blocked with cars and streets are filled with people.

Original text

Why do some people refuse to live in big cities? Big cities in the States are the worst choice for living. The funny thing is that you have to pay a lot of money for the advantage of living in a city where it can be very difficult to buy your own house. Large cities are too large to control; they impose their living conditions on the people who inhabit them. City-dwellers are obliged to adopt an unusual way of life. Furthermore, it seems impossible to avoid the rush hour; wherever you go, roads are blocked with cars and streets are filled with people. In addition, crimes are more in cities which are full of places you would be afraid to visit.

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