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Gossiping is a habit that the majority of people do it even if he or she do not see it as a good thing.Moreover, the gossip mostly tends to harm other people even if the purpose of behind it is to have fun.At the same time, some gossipers regret after they gossip about someone and they do not know how to fix that mistake.

Original text

Gossiping is a habit that the majority of people do it even if he or she do not see it as a good thing. Many people do it because they want to be a part of a team who are the gossipers. Some others gossip since they want to feel that they are not alone. On the other hand, other people gossip due to the feeling of bored. Moreover, the gossip mostly tends to harm other people even if the purpose of behind it is to have fun. At the same time, some gossipers regret after they gossip about someone and they do not know how to fix that mistake. In the end, the writer said that we should ask ourselves before talking about somebody else if we could harm that person. If the answer was that we could harm him or her, we should keep our mouths closed.

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