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Summarize result (50%)

According to our research , we find that our project idea is strong as well as the timeliness of
entry to market is perfect.And, it will give a medium added value for the user so the buyer will
be moderately satisfied.In our project , the number of competitors are low and Industry
operating margins are moderate .

Original text

According to our research , we find that our project idea is strong as well as the timeliness of
entry to market is perfect. And, it will give a medium added value for the user so the buyer will
be moderately satisfied. In our project , the number of competitors are low and Industry
operating margins are moderate . And , off course the stage of industry cycle is in growth phase
.Furthermore, target market for the proposed new venture is already identified and purchasing
power of customers is high so that makes us able to create “barriers to entry” for potential
competitors .And, growth potential of target market is moderate because we have a moderate
ease of making the customers aware about the service. Also, Initial capital investment is law ,
number of revenue drivers is just one , and we thought that time break even will be less than
year. Financial performance of similar business is indefinitely strong but also we have a
moderate product development ability. Otherwise, we have a moderate skills related to the new
product and strong extent to which the proposed new venture meets.

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