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Have you ever seen what happens to a-flower or plant when it suffers from lack of water?As a result of droughts, millions-of people in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and other African countries are facing hunger and poverty.Combined with the rise in global temperatures, the effects of drought are more obvious: rivers dry out, and the land becomes unfriendly, dry desert.Drought maymean years without rainfall, which slowly leads plants and animals dying.Because water is so important for our survival, its shortage, drought, is a threat to all living things.- Africa is among the most drought-stricken parts of the world.I sincerely hope that other countries take action to help improve the situation in Africa.Without water, green fields and crops die.This situation forces whole populations to move in order to survive.

Original text

Have you ever seen what happens to a-flower or plant when it suffers from lack of water? Now think about what could happen to an entire country! Because water is so important for our survival, its shortage, drought, is a threat to all living things.- Africa is among the most drought-stricken parts of the world. Drought maymean years without rainfall, which slowly leads plants and animals dying. Combined with the rise in global temperatures, the effects of drought are more obvious: rivers dry out, and the land becomes unfriendly, dry desert. Without water, green fields and crops die.
As a result of droughts, millions-of people in Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalią and other African countries are facing hunger and poverty. To make matters worse, whatever éh4water people have access to is dirty, which makes food worre unsafe and is a threat to people's health. This situation forces whole populations to move in order to survive. I really think that drought is among the most serious and most dangerous conditions a country can face. I sincerely hope that other countries take action to help improve the situation in Africa.

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