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Adjourning :
The adjourning stage occurs in committees and teams that have a lim- ited task to perform and are disbanded afterward.People may feel heightened emotionality, strong cohesiveness, and depression or regret over the team's disbandment.For example, at a large consumer goods company with a virtual team of engineers working in the United States and India, leaders started the project with a couple of days of team building to help the team move rapidly through the forming and storming stages.

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Adjourning :
The adjourning stage occurs in committees and teams that have a lim- ited task to perform and are disbanded afterward. During this stage, the emphasis is on wrapping up and gearing down. Task performance is no longer a top priority, and leaders frequently focus on team members' social and emotional needs. People may feel heightened emotionality, strong cohesiveness, and depression or regret over the team's disbandment. At this point, the leader may wish to signify the team's disbanding with a ritual or ceremony, perhaps giving out certificates or awards to signify closure and completeness. When teams are under time pressure, these stages might occur quite rapidly and even overlap. Stages may also be accelerated for virtual teams. For example, at a large consumer goods company with a virtual team of engineers working in the United States and India, leaders started the project with a couple of days of team building to help the team move rapidly through the forming and storming stages.

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