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In the first lines of Sonnet 16, the imagery of warfare enhances the idea of a battle against Time. In lines 1-2: "But wherefore do not you a mightier way / Make war upon this bloody tyrant, Time?" Time is called a "bloody tyrant" upon which the fair lord is encouraged to "make war" in a "mightier way" than merely being immortalized in verse, as was suggested at the end of Sonnet 15. The speaker urges him to "fortify" himself by having children to replace his youth

Original text

In the first lines of Sonnet 16, the imagery of warfare enhances the idea of a battle against Time. In lines 1-2: "But wherefore do not you a mightier way / Make war upon this bloody tyrant, Time?" Time is called a "bloody tyrant" upon which the fair lord is encouraged to "make war" in a "mightier way" than merely being immortalized in verse, as was suggested at the end of Sonnet 15. The speaker urges him to "fortify" himself by having children to replace his youth

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