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When cervical invasion is preoperative, the type of surgery and lymph nodes that need to be performed are also affected by how far the tumor has spread to the cervix.

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When cervical invasion is preoperative, the type of surgery and lymph nodes that need to be performed are also affected by how far the tumor has spread to the cervix. Radiation is the first choice of treatment in patients with associated invasion of the sympathetic system. Accordingly, the non-operative period is determined by MRI before surgery. The use of postoperative magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of tumor reduction and surgical planning for resection of the tumor. Imaging testing is used in this age of increased cost awareness if it provides additional knowledge that can change treatment options at a fair price. Postoperative gynecologists have not accepted MRI for preoperative staging, despite the fact that it has been shown to be reasonably accurate in determining the depth of myometrial invasion. One explanation could be that preoperative MRI and intraoperative gross uterine dissection accurately assess the depth of tumor infiltration. Use of contrast-enhanced MRI to arrange the tumor before surgery may be helpful. Patients can become more familiar with the type of surgery they will undergo. It would be much more effective to schedule an operating room appointment so that lymph node dissections are performed only for patients who really need it, rather than all patients with endometrial cancer. Patients may be directed to a physician who has the necessary amount of surgical experience. A gynecologist with the disease can perform a hysterectomy without the need for a lymph node dissection. The morbidity associated with lymph node excision will be reduced by performing fewer unnecessary node dissections. Therefore, contrast-enhanced MRI outperforms conventional intraoperative gross uterine dissection in terms of pretreatment evaluation for endometrial cancer and offers similar prices and accuracy. High-quality pelvic MRI with comprehensive interpretation of any myometrial, cervical, or lymph node invasion should enhance the gynecologist's confidence in this method and reduce the need for lymph node dissection in the future.

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