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Third Lecture Subspecialties of psychology and methods The application of psychology psychology has its applied side that is , it is often used to solve " real life " problems . - Application of knowledge to practical problems is an art , it skill , or a knack for doing things , which is acquired by study , practice , and special experience . The psychotherapist talking to worried client . The educational psychologist advising school curriculum , the clinical board on new psychologist supervising group therapy in estate mental hospital , and social psychologist Trying to lesson tensions between management and workers in a large industry are all practicing the art of psychology . There are many subspecialties in psychology beside the above e.g. developmental psychologies , counselor , experimental psychologist , Health psychologist , forensic psychologist , physiologist ... ect .

Original text

Third Lecture Subspecialties of psychology and methods The application of psychology psychology has its applied side that is , it is often used to solve " real life " problems . - Application of knowledge to practical problems is an art , it skill , or a knack for doing things , which is acquired by study , practice , and special experience . The psychotherapist talking to worried client . The educational psychologist advising school curriculum , the clinical board on new psychologist supervising group therapy in estate mental hospital , and social psychologist Trying to lesson tensions between management and workers in a large industry are all practicing the art of psychology . There are many subspecialties in psychology beside the above e.g. developmental psychologies , counselor , experimental psychologist , Health psychologist , forensic psychologist , physiologist ... ect .

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