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No matter which form of correspondence you use, your readers always want to
know what your communication has to do with them.For instance, if you are making a recommendation, begin by
stating the reader's goal that it addresses: "To solve the quality control problem at
the Charleston factory, I recommend . . ."There's
no shortcut for determining what background information you need to include in
order to give this reader-centered context to your reader.In contrast, if you are making a blog entry or sending an instant message, your
communication may be like the middle of a conversation where you are responding
to something the other person just said.Start by indicating how your message relates to your reader's job,
goals, and concerns.Various companies such as Microsoftor "I have another idea about . . ."

Original text

No matter which form of correspondence you use, your readers always want to
know what your communication has to do with them. They want to be able to place
it in the context of their job, their goals, and their areas of responsibility. There’s
no shortcut for determining what background information you need to include in
order to give this reader-centered context to your reader. However, it can be helpful
to ask what part of a conversation your communication most closely resembles. If
you are introducing a new topic, your communication will resemble the beginning
of a conversation. Start by indicating how your message relates to your reader’s job,
goals, and concerns. For instance, if you are making a recommendation, begin by
stating the reader’s goal that it addresses: “To solve the quality control problem at
the Charleston factory, I recommend . . .”
In contrast, if you are making a blog entry or sending an instant message, your
communication may be like the middle of a conversation where you are responding
to something the other person just said. No background will be needed: “Sorry
that didn’t work. You might try . . .”
Much correspondence resembles a third situation, a conversation in which you
want to return to a topic that was discussed a while ago. In this case, say something
that brings your reader back to the issue you are writing about: “In response to
your request, . . .” or “I have another idea about . . .”
As you write, think also about the information or explanation your reader will
need to understand and act on your message. Various companies such as Microsoft

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