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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is blessed with a wealth of natural resources and
opportunities.Improved facilities
and services will attract international trade and make Saudi Arabia the transportation center for
Europe, Africa, and Asia.Many government services and assets will be privatized and
monitored by the state, to ensure a better profit and a successful performance.*
* Adapted from the text of the Vision Programs at and from the text that was
drafted by the Council of Economic and Development Affairs as instructed by the Custodian of the Two Holy
Mosques, King Salman.Culture and entertainment projects will be launched to create libraries, galleries, and
museums and provide different types of events and activities.The Kingdom's fast growing economy will offer equal opportunities for all citizens through a high
quality educational system that meets the needs of the job market.Telecommunications and information technology, including high-speed
broadband, will be developed in and around cities and urban areas.The Saudi society is defined by its Islamic values and its family orientation.The business environment will be
renewed in order to attract entrepreneurs, as well as large or small businesses.Government services will be effective and transparent to facilitate the growth and development
of private and non-profit sectors.The nation's real wealth, however, is the Saudi society, whose members
will continue to enjoy a healthy, happy, and secure life in an attractive and safe
environment.Families will receive the necessary support to raise their children and develop their abilities and

Original text

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is blessed with a wealth of natural resources and
opportunities. The nation’s real wealth, however, is the Saudi society, whose members
will continue to enjoy a healthy, happy, and secure life in an attractive and safe
environment. The Saudi society is defined by its Islamic values and its family orientation.
Families will receive the necessary support to raise their children and develop their abilities and
character. Culture and entertainment projects will be launched to create libraries, galleries, and
museums and provide different types of events and activities.
The Kingdom’s fast growing economy will offer equal opportunities for all citizens through a high
quality educational system that meets the needs of the job market. The business environment will be
renewed in order to attract entrepreneurs, as well as large or small businesses. Improved facilities
and services will attract international trade and make Saudi Arabia the transportation center for
Europe, Africa, and Asia. Telecommunications and information technology, including high-speed
broadband, will be developed in and around cities and urban areas.
Government services will be effective and transparent to facilitate the growth and development
of private and non-profit sectors. Many government services and assets will be privatized and
monitored by the state, to ensure a better profit and a successful performance.*

  • Adapted from the text of the Vision Programs at and from the text that was
    drafted by the Council of Economic and Development Affairs as instructed by the Custodian of the Two Holy
    Mosques, King Salman.

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