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Fawzia, she is a 36-year-old woman with a recent diagnosis of breast cancer.however, she has been told that her prognosis is good, and she is currently having active chemotherapy treatment.Fawzia gets on very well with her breast care specialist nurse, who has been trained in some cognitive therapy techniques.The breast care nurse suggests that Fawzia keeps a diary of positive events that occur during her treatment and what they mean for her life.The breast care nurse helps Fawzia to focus on her positive experiences and to review the evidence for her prognosis.They review this together when she attends the clinic.

Original text

Fawzia, she is a 36-year-old woman with a recent diagnosis of breast cancer. Her immediate reaction has been one of fear and a conviction that she is going to die. Her own mother died of breast cancer when Fawzia was a child and this has led her to take a very pessimistic view of cancer and its treatment. however, she has been told that her prognosis is good, and she is currently having active chemotherapy treatment.
Fawzia gets on very well with her breast care specialist nurse, who has been trained in some cognitive therapy techniques. The breast care nurse suggests that Fawzia keeps a diary of positive events that occur during her treatment and what they mean for her life. They review this together when she attends the clinic. The breast care nurse helps Fawzia to focus on her positive experiences and to review the evidence for her prognosis. Fawzia finds that many good things have come out of her illness, including more supportive relationships with friends and family, and she feels she can take positive steps to overcome the cancer. Several months later, after successfully ending treatment, she feels she is stronger than before the cancer, and feels that her own cancer story will be different from her mother’s.

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