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Here is an overview of the target audience for Amouage perfumes:

Amouage is a luxury perfume brand based in Oman.- Middle-aged to older demographic - Many of Amouage's fragrances have a more mature, complex scent profile that appeals to an older audience, often 40 years and up.

- Perfume connoisseurs/enthusiasts - Amouage markets itself as a niche, artisanal brand that attracts passionate fragrance collectors and those interested in rare, high-quality scents.

Original text

Here is an overview of the target audience for Amouage perfumes:

Amouage is a luxury perfume brand based in Oman. Their target audience is typically:

  • High-net-worth individuals - Amouage perfumes are positioned as ultra-premium fragrances, with prices ranging from $200 to over $500 per bottle. This targets affluent consumers who can afford the high-end pricing.

  • Middle-aged to older demographic - Many of Amouage's fragrances have a more mature, complex scent profile that appeals to an older audience, often 40 years and up.

  • Perfume connoisseurs/enthusiasts - Amouage markets itself as a niche, artisanal brand that attracts passionate fragrance collectors and those interested in rare, high-quality scents.

  • Luxury consumers - The brand's association with Oman's royal family, ornate bottle designs, and positioning as an exclusive "house of perfume" target consumers seeking premium luxury products.

  • Both men and women - Amouage produces fragrances for both genders, appealing to a wide high-end consumer base.

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