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The Real Estate Agent [Figure 6]

The last of the scenes given the title of mi`ad is "mi`ad ma` al-simsar: dar lil ijar fi shariqiy al-quds" (appointment with the real-estate agent: a flat for rent in East

Fig. 7 The Promised Land, Chronicle, Dir. Elia Suleiman

The last time the word mi`ad appears as a title in Chronicle is closer to the end. The black title screen reads: "Ard al-mi`ad" translated as "the promised land."Here, the use of the word 'mi`ad' evokes an association with the other appointments.This final 'appointment' is with the land itself.

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The Real Estate Agent [Figure 6]

The last of the scenes given the title of miad is “miad ma` al-simsar: dar lil ijar fi shariqiy al-quds” (appointment with the real-estate agent: a flat for rent in East

Fig. 7 The Promised Land, Chronicle, Dir. Elia Suleiman

The last time the word miad appears as a title in Chronicle is closer to the end. The black title screen reads: “Ard al-miad” translated as “the promised land.” The frame opens with a long road running down the centre of the frame in the midst of a desert. Here, the use of the word ‘miad’ evokes an association with the other appointments. The root of the word is wad, a promise, and hence a mi`ad is an appointment based on a promise. This final ‘appointment’ is with the land itself. The subject of this appointment or interview – the land – however, cannot speak. Instead, the soundtrack speaks with non-diegetic music: Natacha Atlas’ song, “Why do we fight?” with lyrics along the lines of, “Let’s return to peace, let’s find love again/with God’s mercy, let’s make peace we are brothers. May God bless you….”

As outlined above, the interviews do not conform to our expectation of what they might

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