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In conclusion, everything that's done in PD1 is mainly on papers and computers.Starting from identifying the problem all the way to fully understanding how to accomplish the task, solve the problem, give a solution and set all the needed criteria that we have to follow as well as stay within the limits of the constraints, we determined a functional prototype that shows how we envisioned the final product to look like will be prepared and present it to the class instructor.

Original text

In conclusion, everything that’s done in PD1 is mainly on papers and computers. Starting from identifying the problem all the way to fully understanding how to accomplish the task, solve the problem, give a solution and set all the needed criteria that we have to follow as well as stay within the limits of the constraints, we determined a functional prototype that shows how we envisioned the final product to look like will be prepared and present it to the class instructor. The temperature sensor and the application that was given to us was proposed completely as we were more engaged to the research and there are coding and the instructions of the final design including with the software and hardware implementation. Finally, we discussed the results and the problem that we faced while coding, wiring and testing the design. As this project can be used in many chemical industries and they can implement our work to their system as it safe and perform in mobility using the mobile application.

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