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Summarize result (86%)

Maui, a 21-ronth old dog rolled back on the sandy beach and basked in the
Mediterranean sun.But as they were enjoying the sun,they saw three people panicking at the sea
The tourists had ignored the red warning flags and swam into the deep water.Pascal's friend Bruno, who was surfing near the shore, saw the swimmers, too.Both Maui and Pascal
He realised
were trained life savers and didn't think twice about|He didn't stop to rest and swam back to
rescue the last person Pascal followed his trusty pef.Maul swam to the drowning swimmers.The dog and his owner Pascal Brockley were having a grea
time on their summer holiday in...With the help of Bruno and Pascal, he
pulled the
people back to the shore.He slipped under the waves and when Pasca wanted 1 to
rescue him, it was too late
Maui was dead.They were unable
to get back to the shore.they were in danger and set off to helping They didn'tthink about
help them.The pair fought the waves
to reach the swimmer.They just thought of saving the lives ofg others.Maui was exhausted.The powerful waves were too
much for the brave dog.Pascal was very upset.His beautiful heroic pet was dead.He was sad but what he saw made him
angry: the_three people were running away.Maui gave his life to save those
they strangers were.but they didn't even stop to thank him.

Original text

Maui, a 21-ronth old dog rolled back on the sandy beach and basked in the
Mediterranean sun. The dog and his owner Pascal Brockley were having a grea
time on their summer holiday in...
But as they were enjoying the sun,they saw three people panicking at the sea
The tourists had ignored the red warning flags and swam into the deep water. But
the sea was too strong and they were soon caught in the water. They were unable
to get back to the shore. They felt so happy. They were crying for help.
Pascal's friend Bruno, who was surfing near the shore, saw the swimmers, too.
they were in danger and set off to helping They didn'tthink about
help them. Both Maui and Pascal
He realised
were trained life savers and didn't think twice about|
their safety. They just thought of saving the lives ofg others.
Maul swam to the drowning swimmers. With the help of Bruno and Pascal, he
pulled the
people back to the shore. He didn't stop to rest and swam back to
rescue the last person Pascal followed his trusty pef. The pair fought the waves
to reach the swimmer. By now. Maui was exhausted. The powerful waves were too
much for the brave dog. He slipped under the waves and when Pasca wanted 1 to
rescue him, it was too late
Maui was dead. Pascal was very upset. His beautiful heroic pet was dead. He
sat down and looked across the beach. He was sad but what he saw made him
angry: the_three people were running away. Maui gave his life to save those
they strangers were. but they didn't even stop to thank him. I think they showed how grateful

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