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Since the dawn of the Renaissance, led by His Majesty, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the government has paid special attention to youth, and in everything that strengthens the reduced youth energies, including enacting laws and legislations that regulate civil life, such as organizing the marriage of Omanis to foreigners, as the door has not been left to In the West, conditions and restrictions have been established in order to reduce the phenomenon of spinsterhood in Omani society and preserve the Omani identity in terms of customs, traditions and demographics.Also, a divorced woman may marry a foreigner in accordance with the third condition, as well as whoever has an Omani wife who is unable to perform marital duties.3) Not to be married to an Omani unless she is unable to perform her marital duties.According to the Royal Decree (93/58), the Minister of Interior was authorized to issue rulings regulating the marriage of Omanis to foreigners, and pursuant to the Royal Decree, the Ministry of Interior issued its Ministerial Resolution No. (1993/92) to issue the regulation of Omani marriage to foreigners.And the ministerial decree stipulated that the person wishing to marry from abroad must submit his application to the Ministry of the Interior in order to obtain a permit that permits marriage to a foreigner, provided that the following conditions are met:
1) There should be social or health reasons for marriage.It is permissible by a decision of the Minister of the Interior to permit marriage to foreigners in the following cases:
A) If the applicant is married to residents of the border areas and wishes to marry the citizens of the regions in other countries.Member from the Ministry of Social Development.?????

Original text

Since the dawn of the Renaissance, led by His Majesty, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the government has paid special attention to youth, and in everything that strengthens the reduced youth energies, including enacting laws and legislations that regulate civil life, such as organizing the marriage of Omanis to foreigners, as the door has not been left to In the West, conditions and restrictions have been established in order to reduce the phenomenon of spinsterhood in Omani society and preserve the Omani identity in terms of customs, traditions and demographics. According to the Royal Decree (93/58), the Minister of Interior was authorized to issue rulings regulating the marriage of Omanis to foreigners, and pursuant to the Royal Decree, the Ministry of Interior issued its Ministerial Resolution No. (1993/92) to issue the regulation of Omani marriage to foreigners. And the ministerial decree stipulated that the person wishing to marry from abroad must submit his application to the Ministry of the Interior in order to obtain a permit that permits marriage to a foreigner, provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. There should be social or health reasons for marriage.

  2. That the applicant for a marriage with a non-Omani is financially capable of costs of marriage, providing adequate housing and supporting the family.

  3. Not to be married to an Omani unless she is unable to perform her marital duties. And the social reasons are those that relate to the lineage, color, color and social position of the young person, whereas the health is related to the safety and health of the applicant for marriage, which sometimes does not find someone who accepts living with him, which is forced in marriage to a foreigner. Also, a divorced woman may marry a foreigner in accordance with the third condition, as well as whoever has an Omani wife who is unable to perform marital duties.
    A committee shall be formed to study the applications submitted for marriage from abroad, consisting of:

 Two members from the Ministry of Interior, one of whom will be the chair of the committee.
 Member from the Ministry of Social Development.
 Member of the Royal Oman Police.
 The committee shall submit its recommendations to the Minister of Interior to issue the appropriate decision,Omanis may marry foreigners after the approval of the Minister of Interior in the following cases:
 If the candidate or candidate for marriage is a national of one of the GCC countries.
 If the candidate or candidate for marriage in Oman was born in Oman from an Omani mother and has kept his residency for a period of eighteen years.
 If the candidate for marriage is widowed or divorced from an Omani husband and has children from him.
It is permissible by a decision of the Minister of the Interior to permit marriage to foreigners in the following cases:
A) If the applicant is married to residents of the border areas and wishes to marry the citizens of the regions in other countries.
B) If the applicant is married to an Omani national by nationality.
C) If the applicant has conditions, the Minister can assess the suitability of his permission to marry, including long residency abroad.
Without prejudice to any more severe punishment, anyone who violates the provisions of this decision shall be punished with the following penalties: -:
A) A fine not exceeding two thousand Omani Rials.
B) Denial of public office.
C) Denial of entry for the wife or husband.

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