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Founder and CEO Rita Huang previously worked at Alibaba and Huawei with a vision of connecting Chinese sellers to the world.Rita knew there was a way to connect China's sellers to remote markets, by offering local merchants improved delivery solutions.In 2021, Email rose to rank 9, and it continues to innovate and expand.

Original text

Founder and CEO Rita Huang previously worked at Alibaba and Huawei with a vision of connecting Chinese sellers to the world. Her story began during her stay in the United Arab Emirates, and she discovered that this problem lies in the lack of official address systems in the United Arab Emirates, and even half of the world suffers from the lack of those systems as well; Then began her passion to solve this problem, benefiting from her knowledge and experience of the global boom in e-commerce, especially for retailers in China. Rita knew there was a way to connect China's sellers to remote markets, by offering local merchants improved delivery solutions. In 2021, Email rose to rank 9, and it continues to innovate and expand.

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