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Many experts believe that the world is currently undergoing a major change: the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0).A key aspect of industry 4.0, as outlined by Schwab (2016), is the fusion of technologies blurring the distinctions between the physical, digital and biological domains.

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Many experts believe that the world is currently undergoing a major change: the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). A key aspect of industry 4.0, as outlined by Schwab (2016), is the fusion of technologies blurring the distinctions between the physical, digital and biological domains. An article from NICVA (2019: 4) concurs, describing industry 4.0 as “taking automation to new levels, [...] and using technologies to perform tasks previously carried out by humans, ranging from piloting vehicles to ‘rules-based’ jobs in areas such as accounting and law”. This wide-ranging description emphasises the impact of technology on people and the planet, and its increasing integration into all elements of our lives. If industry 4.0 is having such a profound impact on life as we know it, it is important to consider what constituted the first three industrial revolutions.
2. Shank (2016) characterised the first as mechanisation: machines replacing animals and manual labour; placing it in the late 18th to early 19th century. Shank then identified the second as the mass production revolution, where mass-manufacturing using machines and new processes occurred in the late 19th to mid-20th century. Shank finally recognised the third industrial revolution as occurring in the second half of the 20th century into the first half of the 21st century, where globalisation gathered pace, analogue technology was replaced by digital technology and the World Wide Web became ubiquitous. These definitions allow us to understand what they entail. What is not fully clear, however, is what impact the next industrial revolution will have on industry, the workforce and life.
3. It seems clear that industry 4.0 will bring opportunities. Xu et al. (2018) claim that a major shift that occurred in the third industrial revolution will continue in the fourth: the dramatic shift in economies towards the knowledge worker. Xu et al. (2018) assert that during the first two industrial revolutions, the majority of goods and services were provided by the body; for example, food production, agriculture and the automotive industry. This meant a strong and healthy body was often a key requisite to professional success. However, the increased capabilities of machines means that knowledge is now the most important asset a person can possess. This has resulted in increased opportunities for people with disabilities and less physically capable people as well as reducing the gender gap, as physical strength is not a key asset for a large proportion of jobs. Opportunities may also lie in education. An article in the South African Journal of Science (2018) claims that as education relies on forming complex relationships with a number

of students, artificial intelligence (AI) will not replace educators. Rather, educators can work alongside technology to become more effective in their role.
4. There will also be challenges brought on by industry 4.0. Lee et al. (2019) claim that whilst educators may not be directly replaced by AI, the increased effectiveness technology brings might mean less employees are needed to complete the workload. Whilst this might not result in educators losing their jobs, it may result in less opportunities for graduates entering the job market. Another challenge implicit in industry 4.0 is in contrast to Xu et al.’s argument, regarding knowledge being the most important aspect for a worker to possess. Anderson (2012) highlights that the reduction of barriers between inventors and markets, due to new technologies such as internet selling platforms, speedy worldwide delivery and even the ability to create inventions quickly using 3D printing, will lead to knowledge workers such as entrepreneurs gaining from the industrial revolution; however, to be a knowledge worker, a person must have access to education to gain that knowledge. This reduction of jobs that require physical labour, and a shift towards the need for knowledge, could lead to workers with limited access to education losing out.
5. Industry 4.0 will impact different sectors in diverse ways. NICVA (2019) claims that sectors that involve building complex relationships with people, such as healthcare, education, charities and other personal services will see an increase in demand for workers. Conversely, the service industry, factory production and other jobs that require repetitive physical action may need less workers, as technology becomes more able to fill these roles. The future of the workforce is uncertain, as industry 4.0 is still in progress. Schwab (2016) argues that the responsibility of shaping the future lies with governments and policy makers. Schwab warns of a robotised humanity and a future where humans are seen as replaceable. Schwab claims that people must be prioritised over profits, so that creativity, empathy and all the desirable aspects of the human character can be allowed to flourish. It is entirely possible that industry 4.0 could have a positive impact on societies around the world, with the pressure to work a large proportion of the day reduced by increased efficiency from technology. It is up to governments, large corporations and even individuals to ensure that this becomes the case.

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