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It was a warm, sunny day when we went to our family picnic place, The trip there was accompanied by a circus of strange noises, When we arrived, I ran to Sarah and Emily and had a good, long chat, I knew it was going to be a great day, The river was surrounded by luscious green grass and tall, windy trees, The water was icy-cold and the current weak.After we finished our delicious lunch, my mum came back from the car, hands full of paper and textas, She taught us all how to make a paper boat, which could sail for a maximum of two long minutes, We gently placed them in the water and watched them float, I followed the boats and as mine neared the shallows, I hoped it wouldn't sink, but it got caught and slowly filled with water, After the race, we built our traditional rock wall in the river.... and I splashed through the icy-cold river, trying to convince Em to join us, Lunch was a busy time for the talkative mums, and wet children pulling on their shirts didn't improve their moods.We all sat down for a noisy family lunch, squashed together on the benches .Some of us carried fruits, some carried cakes, and some carried snacks.Finally, the wall broke and water cascaded onto the unsuspecting children.

Original text

It was a warm, sunny day when we went to our family picnic place, The trip there was accompanied by a circus of strange noises, When we arrived, I ran to Sarah and Emily and had a good, long chat, I knew it was going to be a great day, The river was surrounded by luscious green grass and tall, windy trees, The water was icy-cold and the current weak. Mud edged the river and the rocks were large and round, The morning started with little kids already up to their knees in mud, whining, ‘Is lunch ready yet?’ … and I splashed through the icy-cold river, trying to convince Em to join us, Lunch was a busy time for the talkative mums, and wet children pulling on their shirts didn’t improve their moods. We all sat down for a noisy family lunch, squashed together on the benches . After we finished our delicious lunch, my mum came back from the car, hands full of paper and textas, She taught us all how to make a paper boat, which could sail for a maximum of two long minutes, We gently placed them in the water and watched them float, I followed the boats and as mine neared the shallows, I hoped it wouldn’t sink, but it got caught and slowly filled with water, After the race, we built our traditional rock wall in the river. As kids dropped large rocks into place, we were all splashed with freezing water. Finally, the wall broke and water cascaded onto the unsuspecting children. We moved the rocks back to their original places to restore the river to its natural flow. After getting dried, when the excitement had disappeared with the warmth, we left, We went to a garden near our home. We were asked to carry some food. Some of us carried fruits, some carried cakes, and some carried snacks. We also took along bats, balls, and other games . In the morning, we boarded our bus and left for the rock garden. Once we reached there, our family helped us to select a comfortable place to sit. After eating fruits, we played a lot of games. Our family also played with us. After that, she took us for a walk round the garden, In the afternoon, we were all hungry and tired. We sat together and had our lunch, Then our dad read out lovely stories, We all sat together listening to her, After an hour she took us back to the bus and we all came back to the home . I will never forget this picnic, as this was the first time that I went for a picnic with my family and my friends and had great fun, I love our family picnics .

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