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Bob Dylan, one of the most influential singer-songwriters of all time, again made history, winning the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature as the first-ever singer-songwriter nominee, leaving many to ponder the distinction between song and literature, the distinction between musician and writer--Moreover, whether or not Dylan deserved the Nobel Prize.The Nobel Prize is the highest honor for a writer, and for Bob Dylan, a musician, to be nominated for such an honor came as a shock and, for some, utter disbelief--Not all thought it was a good decision.Some literary advocates publicized their disappointment with that year's Nobel Prize winners; journalist and author Anna North wrote, "[...] by awarding the prize to [Dylan], the Nobel committee is choosing not to award it to a writer, and that is a disappointing choice." Many made clear their belief that Dylan's songwriting, along with music as a whole, should not have anything to do with the Nobel Prize; however, Dylan's songwriting was unmatched for its time, so much so that it not only forever influenced the music industry, it "[...] redefined the boundaries of literature, setting off a debate about whether song lyrics have the same artistic value as poetry or novels" (Sisario et al., 2016).Dylan's powerful lyrics were strong enough to impact not only the world of music but also, in 2016, the world of literature; Dylan's songwriting was unsurpassed; Dylan's songwriting was well-deserving of the Nobel Prize.

Original text

Bob Dylan, one of the most influential singer-songwriters of all time, again made history, winning the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature as the first-ever singer-songwriter nominee, leaving many to ponder the distinction between song and literature, the distinction between musician and writer—Moreover, whether or not Dylan deserved the Nobel Prize. Dylan’s powerful lyrics were strong enough to impact not only the world of music but also, in 2016, the world of literature; Dylan’s songwriting was unsurpassed; Dylan’s songwriting was well-deserving of the Nobel Prize.

         In 1896, Alfred Nobel passed away, and in his final will, he dedicated his fortune to awarding those who help improve society through their innovations in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, or Literature, establishing the Nobel Prizes; written in his will, the Nobel Prize in Literature was to award “[...] the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction” (The Nobel Foundation, 2009). According to the Swedish Academy, the committee that decides the recipients of said Nobel Prize, Bob Dylan did ‘produce outstanding work in an ideal direction,’ nominating Dylan in 2016 for creating “[...] new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition" (The Nobel Foundation, 2016).  

The Nobel Prize is the highest honor for a writer, and for Bob Dylan, a musician, to be nominated for such an honor came as a shock and, for some, utter disbelief—Not all thought it was a good decision. Some literary advocates publicized their disappointment with that year’s Nobel Prize winners; journalist and author Anna North wrote, “[...] by awarding the prize to [Dylan], the Nobel committee is choosing not to award it to a writer, and that is a disappointing choice.” Many made clear their belief that Dylan’s songwriting, along with music as a whole, should not have anything to do with the Nobel Prize; however, Dylan’s songwriting was unmatched for its time, so much so that it not only forever influenced the music industry, it “[...] redefined the boundaries of literature, setting off a debate about whether song lyrics have the same artistic value as poetry or novels” (Sisario et al., 2016). One beloved song of his, “Blowin’ in the Wind,” a song of peace, war, and oppression, perfectly enraptures the listener with the brilliance of Dylan’s songwriting, in which he sings:

Yes, and how many years must a mountain exist

Before it is washed to the sea?

And how many years can some people exist

Before they're allowed to be free?

Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head

And pretend that he just doesn't see?

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind

The answer is blowin' in the wind

The distinction between music and literature is not of delivery but rather depth and substance, which Dylan’s songwriting has in abundance; as journalist and author Julia Reed wrote, “Dylan is different. He is, without a doubt, more of a writer than a musician.”

         Bob Dylan, through his passionate words, touched the hearts of many; through his passion and talent, he rose to the top, repeatedly making history, endowed with Grammys, an Academy Award, a Golden Globe, a Medal of Freedom, and lastly, in 2016, a Nobel Prize, elevating him not only in the presence of the most renowned musicians of all time but also the most renowned writers of all time; he, once again making history, redefined the words “music” and “literature,” showing the world that the words are synonymous with one another; Bob Dylan, through his passionate words, forged the path for many more great artists to come, and his legacy will continue to resonate in the many hearts that he touched.

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