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Karate is a Japanese martial sport that relies on punching, kicking, jumping, and strategic movements.Participants must respect coaches, referees and teammates, and refrain from using violent or illegal methods such as punches or back kicks.Karate is a type of martial art that includes a variety of techniques that allow its practitioners to defend themselves and attack opponents.Karate skills are learned through repeated practice of a range of movements, exercises and matches, which helps develop flexibility, strength, balance and concentration.Karate is not just a sporting activity, but rather a philosophy and lifestyle that aims to improve both body and mind.This sport is a group of ancient martial arts that was developed in Japan and has gained great popularity around the world.Karate can help boost self-confidence and nervous control, as well as develop flexibility and physical fitness.Karate is an opportunity to challenge and develop personality and acquire the combat skills necessary for self-defense.It is a sport suitable for all ages and nationalities.

Original text

Karate is a Japanese martial sport that relies on punching, kicking, jumping, and strategic movements. This sport is a group of ancient martial arts that was developed in Japan and has gained great popularity around the world. Karate is a type of martial art that includes a variety of techniques that allow its practitioners to defend themselves and attack opponents. Karate skills are learned through repeated practice of a range of movements, exercises and matches, which helps develop flexibility, strength, balance and concentration. I play karate at the club and practice what I learned at home so that I don't forget what I learned. Karate laws are based on a set of rules that participants must adhere to during training and competition. Participants must respect coaches, referees and teammates, and refrain from using violent or illegal methods such as punches or back kicks. Karate is not just a sporting activity, but rather a philosophy and lifestyle that aims to improve both body and mind. Karate can help boost self-confidence and nervous control, as well as develop flexibility and physical fitness. Karate is an opportunity to challenge and develop personality and acquire the combat skills necessary for self-defense. It is a sport suitable for all ages and nationalities.

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