
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (13%)

Sophia is a robot with the image of a middle-aged woman, who is actually only 4 years old.Sophia has a skin colored zipper running down the base of her neck, and has exposed plastic skull showing the mechanical systems which doesn't really sell the illusion of humanity, because Hanson is not trying to fool humans and make them unable to tell the difference between humans and robots(weller,2017).Hanson aims to mimic humans capacity for love, empathy, anger, jealousy, and the sense of being alive(weller,2017).Sofia can display emotions like happiness and sadness but can still be has a lot of room for improvement (weller,2017).For this, it has been invested with the latest advances in the field of Al, for example: the mastery of a complex series of predictive algorithms based on computational statistics; a fluid synthetic vocalization, a rapid processing of the information that she receives, and a wide capacity to perceive faces and voices.(Retto,2017,p.3).

النص الأصلي

Sophia is a robot with the image of a middle-aged woman, who is actually only 4 years old. Her face is based on The British actress Audrey Hepburn (Retto,2017). Sophia took the world by surprise and fascinated many when she was activated in 2016 by Hong Kong based company Hanson Robotics (Sofia- the robot brings alive the world we imagined, 2020). David Hanson is the founder of the company Hanson Robotics that created the world famous Sofia. (Sofia- the robot brings alive the world we imagined, 2020). He is a former Disney Imagineer, created the robot with the objective of helping the elderly who need personal aides and the general public at big events or parks(weller,2017). Hanson also had the motive for creating Sofia is to make a robot that allows people to interact with It in the same way they'd talk to a friend (weller,2017). In time, he hopes that sofia can recognize the social world just as it perceives the physical world(weller,2017). Her creation can specially be useful in the medical field For example in cases where patient and doctor contact need to be limited just like the -endemic nowadays. (Sofia- the robot brings alive the world we imagined, 2020).Currently , Sophia’s learning abilities is less than humans for sure, but it has truly began(Sofia- the robot brings alive the world we imagined, 2020). Therefore this gives us vast possibilities of how she can benefit our world or perhaps destroy it. However, her purpose is to support humans. One possibility is She could help children learn new languages or help take care of the elderly, she can also help in taking care people with autism and Dementia (Sofia- the robot brings alive the world we imagined, 2020). She can even help teachers or workers in schools for instance she could help calm down an anxious child or even serve food in the cafeteria (Sofia- the robot brings alive the world we imagined, 2020). Sophia has a skin colored zipper running down the base of her neck, and has exposed plastic skull showing the mechanical systems which doesn't really sell the illusion of humanity, because Hanson is not trying to fool humans and make them unable to tell the difference between humans and robots(weller,2017).Hanson aims to mimic humans capacity for love, empathy, anger, jealousy, and the sense of being alive(weller,2017).Sofia can display emotions like happiness and sadness but can still be has a lot of room for improvement (weller,2017). in the future Hanson robotics is planing to release a new robot that they would name professor Einsten. He would have the ability to make over 50 facial expressions as users ask about the weather , traffic and basic conversations(weller,2017).So very Soon, Hanson will reveal other robots to join Sophia in a humanoid family, and perhaps eventually a whole society (weller,2017). Hanson believes that robots are the future (weller,2017).

Sophia created similar as humans.

Sophia a humanoid robot. Sophia is a robot with an attractive female face, built so far only to its waist (Retto,2017,p.6). Furthermore, she is fundamental innovative quality is her capacity to learn human practices through her collaboration with individuals. For this, it has been invested with the latest advances in the field of Al, for example: the mastery of a complex series of predictive algorithms based on computational statistics; a fluid synthetic vocalization, a rapid processing of the information that she receives, and a wide capacity to perceive faces and voices. (Retto,2017,p.3). As humans grow older they learn how to communicate with other people better and learn new skills. Sophia is matching with humans, as she grows older she develops new skills and develops her interaction with humans ( Siskind.S,2020). In a framework that copies human facial expressions, Sophia can make articulations utilizing motor-controlled ropes tied down to different focuses underneath her adaptable human-like elastic skin (Hanson,2019). Her skin is supple enough to symbolize 62 facial expressions such as: (anger, joy, sadness, amazement, annoyance, fear, etc.) (Retto,2017,p.6). Thus, Sophia can emulation the expressions of her conversational partners (Hanson,2019). However, Sophia has an electronic synthetic voice system that permits her to talk and gesture as she gives her discourse (Retto,2017,p.6). She has done many TV interviews and press interviews as well. In any case, the most "human" part of this robot is its capacity to gain from the experience it gains at whatever point it gets the opportunity to associate with individuals. Consequently, Sophia turns out to be progressively acquainted with the culture, customs, feelings, emotions, and linguistic styles of her conversationalists. And this experience is collecting in her memory (Retto,2017,p.6). Sophia is a woman with doe-brown eyes and long fluttery eyelashes (Stone.Z, 2017). Her eyes are cameras with the capacity to perceive faces she has seen previously (which permits her make proper acquaintance with anybody by name) (Retto,2017,p.6). Sophia the first citizen robot of the world, and the first robot in the world to accomplish such a status. Therefore, her nationality is from Saudi Arabia (Stone.Z, 2017). Sophia the robot has her own career like any other human. Sophia is an actress that acted in her film "Sophia World" with the actress Evan Rachel Wood. The film is a short film and it is comedy. The film was published on Futurism.com on the 4th of September 2019 (Amery.K,2019). In addition, I saw in twitter that Sophia also works model. In this way, human-like robots don’t just look like us, they hold up a mirror to us, and give us a moment of pause to reflect on our humanity (Hanson,2020). "I want to use my Artificial intelligence (AI) to help humans lead a better life, like design smarter homes, build better cities of the future." Sophia said (Stone.Z, 2017). This AI is superb, anyway realize that no man-made intelligence is close to as keen as a human (Hanson,2020).

What is really special in Sophia and How does Sophia compare to human? She just turned 4 years old in February 2020 , “The brain of a child is developing faster than at any other time. By age 5, a child’s brain is 90% developed. Yet Sophia dwarfs this learning progress when it comes to handling large datasets. Sophia can instantly “memorize” unlimited facts and figures and her vocabulary far outstrips those of her four-year-old peers. Arguably the most foreign aspect of Sophia’s intellect is her ability to trace exactly how she came to an answer or how an idea came into her head which is not the case for other platforms using machine learning. Humans struggle with meta-knowledge. They may know something but not know-how, or think something and not know why.”( Siskind.S , 2020). Sophia was designed to be a social robot but that does not mean her social skills are that much more sophisticated than those of a four-year-old. When she speaks, her microphone turns off, making it difficult to interrupt her. Anyone who has ever listened to a young child recounting the plot of a Disney movie knows the impossibility of interrupting them. However, unlike her human counterparts, Sophia is designed to not repeat herself within the same conversation, sparing her listeners from the redundancies often found in conversations with children. Similar to children, however, Sophia doesn’t really understand sarcasm. Anyone who has seen a child literally “keep their eye on the ball” knows this experience.(Siskind.S , 2020).

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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