
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (5%)

By way of a summary, I will restate the questions and answers that led to this essay on information science.

Again, I would like to add the caveat that these are not meant to be final answers but rather to serve as foci for further discussion and clarification.
What is information science? It is an interdisciplinary science that investigates the properties and behavior of information, the forces that govern the flow and use of information, and the techniques, both manual and me-chanical, of processing information for optimal storage, retrieval, and dissemination.
What then is documentation? Documentation is one of many applied components of information science.
Documentation is
with acquiring,
retrieving, and disseminating recorded documentary in-formation, primarily in the form of report and journal literature,
Because of the nature of the collection and
the user's requirements, documentation has tended to emphasize the use of data processing equipment, reprog-raphy and mieroforms as techniques of information handling.
What does an information scientist do? Information scientists may work as researchers, educators, or applications specialists in the field of information science: that is to say, they may do research aimed at developing

new techniques of information handing: they may teach intonation sexence? and they may apply the theories and techniques of nformation science to ereste, modits and improve information hondinz systems.
Information scietice is an important emergent diespline. and the information scientist has an important function in our society.
• Postscript
This article was written and submitted to the Editor of American Documentation in September 1967. Clearly the menbers of ASIS are not the only people worried about the vocabulary of information science and tech-nology, for in Oetober 1967, Mr.
Samuel A. Miles, a
member of the Society of Technical Writers and Editors and also a member of ASIS, published a paper entitled
"An Introduction to the Vocabulary of Information Tech-nology" in Technical Communications, the journal for STWP.
The general purpose of this paper was to familiarize the technical writer with the activities and the vocabulary ot the information processor.
To do this,
Mr. Miles selected ten basic terms and their definitions from the proposed ASA standards and from the DoD glossary. These terms are similar to and supplement the terms in the Information Science article.
In this ecumenical atmosphere, it is good to know that other societies are equally concerned with the working: of information science, and it is a pleasant duty to reference the work of Mr. Samuel A. Miles."

النص الأصلي

By way of a summary, I will restate the questions and answers that led to this essay on information science.
Again, I would like to add the caveat that these are not meant to be final answers but rather to serve as foci for further discussion and clarification.
What is information science? It is an interdisciplinary science that investigates the properties and behavior of information, the forces that govern the flow and use of information, and the techniques, both manual and me-chanical, of processing information for optimal storage, retrieval, and dissemination.
What then is documentation? Documentation is one of many applied components of information science.
Documentation is
with acquiring,
retrieving, and disseminating recorded documentary in-formation, primarily in the form of report and journal literature,
Because of the nature of the collection and
the user's requirements, documentation has tended to emphasize the use of data processing equipment, reprog-raphy and mieroforms as techniques of information handling.
What does an information scientist do? Information scientists may work as researchers, educators, or applications specialists in the field of information science: that is to say, they may do research aimed at developing

new techniques of information handing: they may teach intonation sexence? and they may apply the theories and techniques of nformation science to ereste, modits and improve information hondinz systems.
Information scietice is an important emergent diespline. and the information scientist has an important function in our society.
• Postscript
This article was written and submitted to the Editor of American Documentation in September 1967. Clearly the menbers of ASIS are not the only people worried about the vocabulary of information science and tech-nology, for in Oetober 1967, Mr.
Samuel A. Miles, a
member of the Society of Technical Writers and Editors and also a member of ASIS, published a paper entitled
"An Introduction to the Vocabulary of Information Tech-nology" in Technical Communications, the journal for STWP.
The general purpose of this paper was to familiarize the technical writer with the activities and the vocabulary ot the information processor.
To do this,
Mr. Miles selected ten basic terms and their definitions from the proposed ASA standards and from the DoD glossary. These terms are similar to and supplement the terms in the Information Science article.
In this ecumenical atmosphere, it is good to know that other societies are equally concerned with the working: of information science, and it is a pleasant duty to reference the work of Mr. Samuel A. Miles."

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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