
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (75%)

after birth the female have oocyte one blocked in prophase one surrounded by follicular cells and they make up together primordial follicle
before 3-4 months from puberty the primordial follicle grow to be primary follicle then it be secondary follicle then cavetart orteriary.We will divide the cycle into 3 phases:phase 1-pholicular phase: it contains 14 days, in this phase tertiary will continue growing to be graafian follicule(it holds oocyte one blocked in prophase one)
phase 2-ovulation:it will continue meiosis one and give oocyte two and the meiosis two starts, but it blocked in metaphase two with oocyte two
phase 3-after ovulation:the ovulation is release of oocyte two from the ovary and it occurs once per cycle.This process will repeats every cycle until the follicules finishied in level called menoposed 49-50 years oldAt puberty overian cycle starts in every cell 28 days.

النص الأصلي

after birth the female have oocyte one blocked in prophase one surrounded by follicular cells and they make up together primordial follicle
before 3-4 months from puberty the primordial follicle grow to be primary follicle then it be secondary follicle then cavetart orteriary. At puberty overian cycle starts in every cell 28 days. We will divide the cycle into 3 phases:phase 1-pholicular phase: it contains 14 days, in this phase tertiary will continue growing to be graafian follicule(it holds oocyte one blocked in prophase one)
phase 2-ovulation:it will continue meiosis one and give oocyte two and the meiosis two starts, but it blocked in metaphase two with oocyte two
phase 3-after ovulation:the ovulation is release of oocyte two from the ovary and it occurs once per cycle. The raptures follicule is rip because of ovulation process will transformed into corpus lutem(yellow body)that continue 14 days before it transform into corpus albicans(white body)them it disappears and this transformation done if there is no fertilization.while if there is fertilization this corpus lutem will remains 3 months
In each cycle few follicules are made up in the same time, but in general only one follocule gets ovulated, means 1 egg ovulated every 28 days and the another that were made up with it will die. This process will repeats every cycle until the follicules finishied in level called menoposed 49-50 years old

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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