
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (99%)

China has many beautiful histories one of them Qin Dynasty, Giles Valley (Chinese: 秦朝) was the first dynasty in the Chinese Empire. This dynasty lasted for 15 years. This breed is named after its main homeland It was founded by Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin Kingdom. The Qin dynasty sought to create a unified state with organized central political authority and a large army supported by a stable economy. The central government attempted to eliminate the aristocrats and landowners to directly control the peasants, who constituted the vast majority of the population and labor force. This allowed for ambitious projects involving three hundred thousand peasants and convicts, such as connecting walls along the northern border, which eventually developed into the Great Wall of China, a massive new road system in the country, as well as the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (the Terracotta Army). Qin instituted a set of reforms such as a unified currency, weights and measures, and a unified writing system, which aimed to unify the country and promote trade. In addition, the army used the latest weapons, transportation, and tactics, despite the harsh bureaucracy that characterized the government of the time. Han Confucians portrayed the Qin dynasty as a completely autocratic dynasty, especially after the reported purges known as burning books and burying scholars, and some contemporary scholars question the veracity of these accounts. When the first emperor died in 210 BC, two of his advisors placed an heir to the throne in an attempt to influence and control the administration of the dynasty. These advisors quarreled among themselves, which ultimately led to their deaths and the death of Emperor Qin II. A popular revolt broke out and the weakened empire soon fell to the general of the Chu state, Xiang Yu, who was declared king of the Western Chu state, and Liu Bang, who founded the Han dynasty.

النص الأصلي

China has many beautiful histories one of them Qin Dynasty, Giles Valley (Chinese: 秦朝) was the first dynasty in the Chinese Empire. This dynasty lasted for 15 years. This breed is named after its main homeland It was founded by Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin Kingdom. The Qin dynasty sought to create a unified state with organized central political authority and a large army supported by a stable economy. The central government attempted to eliminate the aristocrats and landowners to directly control the peasants, who constituted the vast majority of the population and labor force. This allowed for ambitious projects involving three hundred thousand peasants and convicts, such as connecting walls along the northern border, which eventually developed into the Great Wall of China, a massive new road system in the country, as well as the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (the Terracotta Army). Qin instituted a set of reforms such as a unified currency, weights and measures, and a unified writing system, which aimed to unify the country and promote trade. In addition, the army used the latest weapons, transportation, and tactics, despite the harsh bureaucracy that characterized the government of the time. Han Confucians portrayed the Qin dynasty as a completely autocratic dynasty, especially after the reported purges known as burning books and burying scholars, and some contemporary scholars question the veracity of these accounts. When the first emperor died in 210 BC, two of his advisors placed an heir to the throne in an attempt to influence and control the administration of the dynasty. These advisors quarreled among themselves, which ultimately led to their deaths and the death of Emperor Qin II. A popular revolt broke out and the weakened empire soon fell to the general of the Chu state, Xiang Yu, who was declared king of the Western Chu state, and Liu Bang, who founded the Han dynasty.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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