
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Logical Research Design : Planning a decent exploration doesn't mean taking numerous choices , gathering information , or experiencing methods , investigation , and so on .Sorts of this examination incorporate social exploration , looking over , and relative causal exploration .The subjective exploration star has risen in light of the fact that scientists have discovered that quantitative examination isn't adequate in researching numerous instructive issues .Characterizing the examination issue : Quantitative exploration relies upon deciding the issue on portraying or explaining the connection between the factors and finding the relationship implies the degree of the effect of a variable on the other .Concerning quantitative exploration , it overwhelmed instructive examination , yet lately subjective exploration has started to turn out to be increasingly mainstream .Configuration is the arrangement , while the methodology is the implies that you use to investigate your exploration advantages .What's more , that your decision of examination type , regardless of whether subjective or quantitative , influences your exploration plan .

النص الأصلي

Logical Research Design : Planning a decent exploration doesn't mean taking numerous choices , gathering information , or experiencing methods , investigation , and so on . , yet it is likewise worried about the reason for these choices . We need to recognize plan and approach . Configuration is the arrangement , while the methodology is the implies that you use to investigate your exploration advantages . What's more , that your decision of examination type , regardless of whether subjective or quantitative , influences your exploration plan . Contrasts among subjective and quantitative examination Subjective and quantitative examination attributes a . Characterizing the examination issue : Quantitative exploration relies upon deciding the issue on portraying or explaining the connection between the factors and finding the relationship implies the degree of the effect of a variable on the other . While in subjective examination , the specialist centers around investigation and comprehension . What's more , revelation implies that the specialist has characterized one part of the issue and needs to become more acquainted with different perspectives . Concerning quantitative exploration , it overwhelmed instructive examination , yet lately subjective exploration has started to turn out to be increasingly mainstream . The subjective exploration star has risen in light of the fact that scientists have discovered that quantitative examination isn't adequate in researching numerous instructive issues . B. Quantitative exploration can be named exploratory and non - trial . Exploratory examinations factors that have various qualities for individuals and things . Furthermore , the impact of a variable on another variable , as it were , the impact of the free factor on the reliant variable . The scientist who utilizes the exploratory strategy must control the factors that can influence the needy variable . All together for the examination to be genuine , the specialist must utilize irregularity . Concerning the non - test scientist , the specialist takes a gander at the connection between the factors . Sorts of this examination incorporate social exploration , looking over , and relative causal exploration .

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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