
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Turn you food into medicine and you won't need medicines any more.Noticing that healthy food exacerbate stress anxiety, depression,as also taking a full meal healthy is that it consist of 6 groups of that are protein ,drinks ,carbohydrates , diarrhea products and fruits or vegetables is going to give your body all it's need from food is going to improve and empower your body and improve your mood as also reduce psychological distress.To start with taking a healthy food is going to prevent from allot of heath problems including heart disease , respiratory problem , stroke , diabetes as also it is going to let you avoid obesity problems .The vitamins that are entering to our body .these vitamins are very important since they reduce high amount of problem in the immune system.Taking a diversified meal is going to fill your future with vitality, prosperity and full fulment

النص الأصلي

Turn you food into medicine and you won't need medicines any more. This quote alludes that eating a healthy food prevent you from talking any medicine or even visiting a doctor.talking healthy food is one of the most important step to people who don't take healthy food sinc it improves the length quality of his or her life style.there are compelling reasons why people should take healthy food

    The first reason why people must take healthy food since it is going to impact your health in a beneficial way . To start with taking a healthy food is going to prevent from allot of heath problems including heart disease , respiratory problem , stroke , diabetes as also it is going to let you avoid obesity problems .The vitamins that are entering to our body .these vitamins are very important since they reduce high amount of problem in the immune system. By talking a healthy diet is going to ultimately prolong people s life span and enhance their well .being 

The second important reason why you should take healthy food is that it affects your physical health. Noticing that healthy food exacerbate stress anxiety, depression,as also taking a full meal healthy is that it consist of 6 groups of that are protein ,drinks ,carbohydrates , diarrhea products and fruits or vegetables is going to give your body all it's need from food is going to improve and empower your body and improve your mood as also reduce psychological distress. Taking a healthy meal is going to pave the way a clearer mind , better emotional and greater over all happiness

In a nutshell, the decision of talking a healthy food is one of the most impactful step individual can make to improve his healthy and quality of life . Taking a diversified meal is going to fill your future with vitality, prosperity and full fulment

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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