
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (0%)

The idea of the project is the university city for students … it is a website that works to clear paperwork while you are sitting in your home under any circumstances as We go through sudden crises such as the Corona virus or the reasons for it that we refrain from going out of the house, but we must continue and live with these conditions .. The idea of this project depends on this basis as Education is very important to continue. Now the Internet is inside every home, and most of the paperwork ends with the existence of the Internet because it facilitates many needs .. University cities are considered one of the most important sectors of care for university students, whether it is social, health, scientific, cultural or sports care, as it provides an integrated university life for its students, especially students who are estranged from their families. . The student residing in university cities spends approximately 70% of his daily time inside university cities and therefore all what is presented The student needs (eating meals - providing appropriate activities - providing comfort and relaxation - providing places for studying) and that is available 24 hours.Under the current circumstances, paperwork has become a risky to the health of the citizen and consumes a lot of time, and as we explained the importance of university cities for students, we proposed an idea to facilitate registration in those cities. The idea of our project is based on facilitating for students first and preserving their safety.
The idea of our project is summarized in that the student enters his personal data and all the necessary proof papers, and after that he begins the procedures for selecting the scientific class which to want to live in, choosing the room, meals ... etc., then he receives a letter of acceptance or rejection in maximum up to week before the date of study and in the event of acceptance The student's residence is ready in case he wishes to go to it

النص الأصلي

The idea of the project is the university city for students … it is a website that works to clear paperwork while you are sitting in your home under any circumstances as We go through sudden crises such as the Corona virus or the reasons for it that we refrain from going out of the house, but we must continue and live with these conditions .. The idea of this project depends on this basis as Education is very important to continue. Now the Internet is inside every home, and most of the paperwork ends with the existence of the Internet because it facilitates many needs .. University cities are considered one of the most important sectors of care for university students, whether it is social, health, scientific, cultural or sports care, as it provides an integrated university life for its students, especially students who are estranged from their families. . The student residing in university cities spends approximately 70% of his daily time inside university cities and therefore all what is presented The student needs (eating meals - providing appropriate activities - providing comfort and relaxation - providing places for studying) and that is available 24 hours.Under the current circumstances, paperwork has become a risky to the health of the citizen and consumes a lot of time, and as we explained the importance of university cities for students, we proposed an idea to facilitate registration in those cities. The idea of our project is based on facilitating for students first and preserving their safety.
The idea of our project is summarized in that the student enters his personal data and all the necessary proof papers, and after that he begins the procedures for selecting the scientific class which to want to live in, choosing the room, meals ... etc., then he receives a letter of acceptance or rejection in maximum up to week before the date of study and in the event of acceptance The student's residence is ready in case he wishes to go to it

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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