
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

A celebrity works hard to get the attention of the public and once s/he becomes famous, s/he constantly tries to avoid the attention.As the majority of the world follows the film starts or the sports persons, few of them are crazy about the celebrity.Firstly, let us look at the negative side of being a celebrity.For instance, in the headlines of few newspapers, we keep reading about the fans who write a letter by their blood.Moreover being a celebrity is not an easy job.The film starts and sportsman has to continuously perform well otherwise same fans would harm them.For example, when the Indian cricket team did not perform well in one of the matches, their fans broke the cricketers' houses.Many people dream to become a celebrity so I am confident that the celebrity status must be giving a lot of advantages.It is known that a supermodel earns more than a school teacher.Moreover, anyone can become a celebrity.Being a celebrity is certainly not a piece of cake.

النص الأصلي

A celebrity works hard to get the attention of the public and once s/he becomes famous, s/he constantly tries to avoid the attention. Being a celebrity is certainly not a piece of cake. They get all the attention of the world at the price of personal space. It is a debatable topic whether being a famous personality is a blessing or a punishment.

Firstly, let us look at the negative side of being a celebrity. As the majority of the world follows the film starts or the sports persons, few of them are crazy about the celebrity. For instance, in the headlines of few newspapers, we keep reading about the fans who write a letter by their blood. I am certain that no one would like to receive such letters, constant annoying calls or being stalked by strangers. These all scary things come with the tag celebrity. Moreover being a celebrity is not an easy job. The film starts and sportsman has to continuously perform well otherwise same fans would harm them. For example, when the Indian cricket team did not perform well in one of the matches, their fans broke the cricketers’ houses.

There are always two sides of the coin. Everybody wants to be a special person. Many people dream to become a celebrity so I am confident that the celebrity status must be giving a lot of advantages. One of the biggest benefits is the money. Celebrities make a lot of money compared to other people. It is known that a supermodel earns more than a school teacher. Moreover, anyone can become a celebrity. For instance, no academic degree is required to become a film star or a sportsperson. Sometimes, the film stars get a chance to shoot in foreign countries or play in different locations. So it’s a great combination of holidays and work. The kind of glamour and publicity received by them is hard to imagine for a common man.

I believe that being the role model for someone is the biggest achievement of a human life and being a celebrity gives a chance to be one.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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