
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Hello my friends and my dear teacher, today I am going to talk about human threats on endangered species.For example, human activities, like developments, can directly destroy the habitats of native species by cutting down trees for housing, industrial sites, and so on. Moreover, when species lose their habitats, they may pop up in people's living areas often and be killed by cars, or poisoned food.Moreover, organizations of the conservation of species promote awareness of the importance of protecting the environment such as, by decreasing landfill and pollution and providing information about the protection of animals.In other words, the genetic variation depends on many breeding pairs, much fewer breeding pairs can be chosen if the population of species reduces, which causes unhealthy offspring.As a result of this, species lose their genetic variation.

النص الأصلي

Hello my friends and my dear teacher, today I am going to talk about human threats on endangered species.
There are many reasons, such as loss of habitat and loss of genetic variation . For example, human activities, like developments, can directly destroy the habitats of native species by cutting down trees for housing, industrial sites, and so on. Moreover, when species lose their habitats, they may pop up in people’s living areas often and be killed by cars, or poisoned food. Also, overhunting kills enormous populations of species, which leads to the number of species declining significantly. As a result of this, species lose their genetic variation. In other words, the genetic variation depends on many breeding pairs, much fewer breeding pairs can be chosen if the population of species reduces, which causes unhealthy offspring.
A feasible solution to these issues mentioned above is recovering the habitats of species. Organizations of conversation species have been working hard to reduce the effect of the loss of habitats of species caused by human beings' activities. For instance, governments in some countries encourage people to live in townhouses and apartments in order to eliminate a lot of lands to be developed by cutting down trees. Moreover, organizations of the conservation of species promote awareness of the importance of protecting the environment such as, by decreasing landfill and pollution and providing information about the protection of animals.

In conclusion,I hope that everyone can contribute a little, no matter if it is your time, or money so that we can recover and protect the habitats of species, and help ensure a bright future for people and nature.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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