
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (74%)

Western media bias in covering the Gaza war



The Gaza War began a long time ago, not on October 7, when the Zionist occupation was killing Palestinian civilians every day until October 7, after which a new era began._______________

Forms of bias: doubt

Doubts: Newspapers such as the BBC questioned the victim numbers announced by the Gaza Health Ministry, and the most prominent skeptics was Joe Biden, the US president.The Palestinians responded strongly to the attacks they were subjected to, and the Western media discussed them in an ugly and biased way, turned a blind eye to the occupation's massacres against civilians and directed all the media against the Palestinians._______________

The impact of biased reporting

Spreading false information: Biased reports can make people think things wrong



Conclusion: Western newspapers are just a tool in the hands of Zionist Israelis, and will continue in the same way._______________

Forms of Bias: Focusing on One Side

The focus was on one aspect: The focus was entirely on the victims of Israelis, without mentioning the Palestinian victims, who were mostly civilians, including 6,000 children at the start of the war.And they will remain their agenda holders until the end.

النص الأصلي

Western media bias in covering the Gaza war


The Gaza War began a long time ago, not on October 7, when the Zionist occupation was killing Palestinian civilians every day until October 7, after which a new era began.

The Palestinians responded strongly to the attacks they were subjected to, and the Western media discussed them in an ugly and biased way, turned a blind eye to the occupation’s massacres against civilians and directed all the media against the Palestinians.

Forms of Bias: Focusing on One Side

The focus was on one aspect: The focus was entirely on the victims of Israelis, without mentioning the Palestinian victims, who were mostly civilians, including 6,000 children at the start of the war.

Examples of journalism that provided full bias were the American press, such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, bbc, cnn.

Forms of bias: doubt

Doubts: Newspapers such as the BBC questioned the victim numbers announced by the Gaza Health Ministry, and the most prominent skeptics was Joe Biden, the US president.

Forms of bias: spreading false information

One of the reasons Palestinian victims are not mentioned in the Western press is that the Western press is almost entirely owned by Israeli Zionists.

This was evident when the press was covering the events of the Ukraine war, covering the events entirely, but when it came to Gaza, silence and misinformation were strongly present.

The impact of biased reporting

Spreading false information: Biased reports can make people think things wrong


Conclusion: Western newspapers are just a tool in the hands of Zionist Israelis, and will continue in the same way. And they will remain their agenda holders until the end.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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