
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (97%)

Social Customer Relationship Management is an increasingly integrated social media channels in Customer Relationship Management, CRM platforms support social media along with Facebook so customers can interact with companies via Facebook.Using Facebook as an additional platform or CRM system is also useful because you get more data about the person you communicate with than any other method.The Facebook Customer Service Platform Portfolio includes the phone number of customers residing in the United States of America, the online help community for all customers, and an on-site options toolbar designed to assist its users in the technical problems where Facebook for Business is constantly evolving., Outbound Logistics relates to providing full content to its users via its websites and applications.Moreover, in 2016 the company presented a set of initiatives to reduce link load time, by prefetching advertiser sites, and this measure is estimated to reduce mobile site load times by 29% or 8.5 seconds.The nature of business e-commerce is the primary source of adding value to Facebook Inc.These and other similar initiatives offer additional competitive advantages to the Facebook business side.Over the years, social media has grown in popularity, as well as the habit of consumers communicating with companies through platforms like Facebook pages.In response, Facebook changed its inbox of its business page to make it more manageable for teams to communicate with customers on Facebook.You can now use the Facebook Business Page Inbox as you would with the appropriate (and sometimes expensive) Customer Relationship Management platform that Facebook tries to facilitate to have a healthy relationship with social media followers and customers through the inbox.Interacting with your customer base here allows you to modify messages and responses based on information you would not otherwise have accessed.Since there are no additional costs for work related to the logistical aspect the company exports.They have completely changed their inbox to reflect more CRM functions.This means better customer service and more marketing visibility collected from customer social media data in general.Outbound logistics relate to the storage and distribution of ready-made goods to clients.Facebook CRM has become easier recently with new tools and integrations.Customer relationship management can be difficult enough without adding unnecessary message platforms.This gives companies better control over their CRM strategy through Facebook and makes them more customer-oriented.For Facebook Inc.The company does not have actual customer service offices due to the nature of online business.Facebook is the power of data.

النص الأصلي

Social Customer Relationship Management is an increasingly integrated social media channels in Customer Relationship Management, CRM platforms support social media along with Facebook so customers can interact with companies via Facebook. This means better customer service and more marketing visibility collected from customer social media data in general. Outbound logistics relate to the storage and distribution of ready-made goods to clients. For Facebook Inc. , Outbound Logistics relates to providing full content to its users via its websites and applications. The nature of business e-commerce is the primary source of adding value to Facebook Inc. Since there are no additional costs for work related to the logistical aspect the company exports. Moreover, in 2016 the company presented a set of initiatives to reduce link load time, by prefetching advertiser sites, and this measure is estimated to reduce mobile site load times by 29% or 8.5 seconds. These and other similar initiatives offer additional competitive advantages to the Facebook business side. The company does not have actual customer service offices due to the nature of online business. The Facebook Customer Service Platform Portfolio includes the phone number of customers residing in the United States of America, the online help community for all customers, and an on-site options toolbar designed to assist its users in the technical problems where Facebook for Business is constantly evolving. Facebook CRM has become easier recently with new tools and integrations.
Customer relationship management can be difficult enough without adding unnecessary message platforms. Over the years, social media has grown in popularity, as well as the habit of consumers communicating with companies through platforms like Facebook pages.
In response, Facebook changed its inbox of its business page to make it more manageable for teams to communicate with customers on Facebook. You can now use the Facebook Business Page Inbox as you would with the appropriate (and sometimes expensive) Customer Relationship Management platform that Facebook tries to facilitate to have a healthy relationship with social media followers and customers through the inbox. They have completely changed their inbox to reflect more CRM functions. This gives companies better control over their CRM strategy through Facebook and makes them more customer-oriented. Instead of forwarding your customers, you'll meet them wherever they really are. Using Facebook as an additional platform or CRM system is also useful because you get more data about the person you communicate with than any other method. Facebook is the power of data. Interacting with your customer base here allows you to modify messages and responses based on information you would not otherwise have accessed.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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