
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

ek like his father .When came back to the house in the evening , Martha told her th the servants had had trouble with Colina He ' s been very bad - tempered all afternoon with all of us because you didn ' t come , miss .I ou , I won ' t look at you , I ' ll state at the floor !You ' re more selfish than I am , You ' re the most selfish et him rest under the boy I ' ve ever met !{ ' m not als selfish as your fine Dickon .aying outside when he knows I ' mn ill and alone ??ews ' There was a big smile on Dict honest face .We all knew he was ill , HIt ' s afraid he ' ll have a crooked back like his think that ' s what ' s making him ill , Perhaps we can bring him here and let him rest in trees .That ' ll do him gool .That ' s what we ' ll do , They had a lot of gardening and planning to a Many did not have time to visit Colin that day .Your selfish girl !cried Colin .He keeps you !

النص الأصلي

ek like his father . I ou , I won ' t look at you , I ' ll state at the floor ! Your selfish girl ! cried Colin . You ' re more selfish than I am , You ' re the most selfish et him rest under the boy I ' ve ever met ! { ' m not als selfish as your fine Dickon . He keeps you ! aying outside when he knows I ' mn ill and alone ام ews ' There was a big smile on Dict honest face . We all knew he was ill , HIt ' s afraid he ' ll have a crooked back like his think that ' s what ' s making him ill , Perhaps we can bring him here and let him rest in trees . That ' ll do him gool . That ' s what we ' ll do , They had a lot of gardening and planning to a Many did not have time to visit Colin that day . When came back to the house in the evening , Martha told her th the servants had had trouble with Colina He ' s been very bad - tempered all afternoon with all of us because you didn ' t come , miss . " Well , i was busy . He ' ll have to learn not to be so selfish , replied Mary coldly . She forgot how selfish she had been when she was ill in India , Pll go and see him now . ' When she went into his rooth , he was lying in bed , looking tired . He did not turn to look at her . Mary had never been so furious . Dickon is nicer than any other boy in the world ! He ' s like an angel ! An angel ! Don ' t make me laugh ! He ' s just a poor country boy ; with holes in his shoes ! He ' s a thousand times better than you are ! Colin had never argued with anyone like himself in his life , and in fact it was good for hirn . But now he was beginning to feel sorry for himself , I ' m always ill , he said , and started to cry , I ' m stire my back is a bit crooked . And I ' m going to die ! " No , you ' re not ! said Mary crossly . Colin opened his eyes very wide . Nobody had said that to him before . He was angry , but a bit pleased at the satre time . What do you mean ? You know I ' m going to die ! Everybody says l ' m going to die ! don ' t believe it ! said Mary in her most disagreeable VOICE . You just say that to make people feel sorry for you , You ' re too horried to die ! Colin forgot about his painful back and sat up in bed . " Get out of the room at once ! " he shouted , and threw a book at her . T ' m going , Mary shouted in reply , and I won ' t come What ' s the matter with you ? she asked crossly , My back aches and my head hurts . Why didn ' t you come this afternoon ? I was working in the garden with Dickon , I won ' t let that boy come to the garden if you stay W10 him instead of talking to me ! ا Mary suddenly became very angry . If you send D away , I ' ll never come into this room again ! You ' ll have to , if I say 50 , I ' ll make the servants you in here : lake the servants bring Oh , will you , prince ! But no one can make Dllt no one can make me talk fe

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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