
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Starbucks is interested in building a personal relationship with its customers and is considered one of the most well-versed institutions in dealing with its customers, so it has used social networking sites and combined it with digital marketing and used the latest technologies to improve its relationship with its customers and increased its brand profile and as a result it achieved better sales, as Digital marketing helps the company communicate with customers and meet their needs.Starbucks, the world's leading brand, announced a campaign to localize jobs in its branches in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as it provided job opportunities for men and women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Saudization program has achieved great success so far, Starbucks strives to reach 35% of localization in Saudi Arabia, and as a company that gives its employees equal job opportunities, Starbucks has become globally known as the best choice for work, Starbucks also launched a campaign that allows customers to create their own drinks because Starbucks customers often prefer to order a drink according to their own taste, Starbucks also used straw made of cardboard to reduce environmental pollution and preserve it, and dispensed with straw by placing lids that enable customers to drink from directly without the need to use straw, Starbucks also launched reusable plastic cups to support reuse, reduce waste and preserve the environment due to Starbucks' keenness on the environment.At that time, cost-cutting was a prevalent model in the industry, By offering its employees stock options and health insurance, Starbucks has made its employees its partners, Starbucks has also chosen to use informal chats with its customers to understand their wants and needs and meet them in the best possible way, understand their general moods, listen to their experiences with the store and take valuable feedback that helps them develop their brand, Starbucks has also been successful in using research findings to inform market entry strategies in many countries, In fact, the organization does not have a fragmented vision to understand customers, but in these smart and innovative ways, Starbucks was able to build a distinctive brand that has great rust among its customers from all over the world, Starbucks works with meticulous attention to detail, so it is considered one of the companies that cares about the experience of its customers, Starbucks is also considered a socially responsible and ethical company that includes responsible purchasing practices such as farmer loan subsidies and forestry conservation programs and also creating opportunities through training, education and employment, as well as some programs to reduce Starbucks' environmental footprint through recycling, energy and water conservation, and others.Starbucks also provides free Wi-Fi in all its branches, and also has comfortable chairs, also characterized by writing customers' names on cups, What distinguishes Starbucks from others is their speed in responding to their customers via Twitter, Instagram or any social media platform, and Starbucks has an additional account via Twitter (mystarbucksidea) for interacting with customers, Starbucks provides a suitable environment for study or work in terms of lighting, furniture, delicious coffee aroma and calmness to ensure that customers feel as if they are at home, and this is what makes people want to come back to it always, and this is the goal of any successful business, Starbucks branches are also located next to the large bookstores, which attracts book lovers to go to them, because they are distinguished by a quiet environment that helps reading lovers feel comfortable, Starbucks also offers its own coffee beans to customers and metal cups in all shapes and colors so that they can prepare coffee in their homes, This is what makes customers love Starbucks and follow them on all social media sites to follow its developments.Q6:

Starbucks has organized many campaigns locally and internationally.

النص الأصلي

Starbucks is interested in building a personal relationship with its customers and is considered one of the most well-versed institutions in dealing with its customers, so it has used social networking sites and combined it with digital marketing and used the latest technologies to improve its relationship with its customers and increased its brand profile and as a result it achieved better sales, as Digital marketing helps the company communicate with customers and meet their needs. Starbucks also provides free Wi-Fi in all its branches, and also has comfortable chairs, also characterized by writing customers' names on cups, What distinguishes Starbucks from others is their speed in responding to their customers via Twitter, Instagram or any social media platform, and Starbucks has an additional account via Twitter (mystarbucksidea) for interacting with customers, Starbucks provides a suitable environment for study or work in terms of lighting, furniture, delicious coffee aroma and calmness to ensure that customers feel as if they are at home, and this is what makes people want to come back to it always, and this is the goal of any successful business, Starbucks branches are also located next to the large bookstores, which attracts book lovers to go to them, because they are distinguished by a quiet environment that helps reading lovers feel comfortable, Starbucks also offers its own coffee beans to customers and metal cups in all shapes and colors so that they can prepare coffee in their homes, This is what makes customers love Starbucks and follow them on all social media sites to follow its developments.


Digital marketing through social media is one of the easiest ways to gain customers, and compete with many companies by conducting campaigns effectively, which motivates people to participate, In order to be able to communicate with customers, you must show your business personality, but you must also be active and always available in order not to lose many customers, Brands often focus on customer experiences because they have a significant impact on brand reputation, The brands that get more loyalty from their customers because of their continuous presence in social media platforms and their response to the desires of their customers and understanding their needs and social media may be a reason to gain new potential customers and help the brand achieve its marketing goals, Companies can also add humanity to their efforts through social networking sites, The brand can also track leading advertisements to see what type of customers are making the best use of the products and service that the brand offers, Social media is considered one of the best places to serve customers better and faster, and customers can submit complaints and suggestions, which saves time and effort on the brand and the customer, But the brand must increase its movement through social media because many people prefer to interact with brands on social media, but the social media is a long-term approach and you cannot reap all these benefits in a short period, As a result, you will receive many customers because you have added another path that makes it easier to know your brand better.


Starbucks chose non-routine measures to create excitement, When brands decided to advertise their products, Starbucks decided not to advertise. At that time, cost-cutting was a prevalent model in the industry, By offering its employees stock options and health insurance, Starbucks has made its employees its partners, Starbucks has also chosen to use informal chats with its customers to understand their wants and needs and meet them in the best possible way, understand their general moods, listen to their experiences with the store and take valuable feedback that helps them develop their brand, Starbucks has also been successful in using research findings to inform market entry strategies in many countries, In fact, the organization does not have a fragmented vision to understand customers, but in these smart and innovative ways, Starbucks was able to build a distinctive brand that has great rust among its customers from all over the world, Starbucks works with meticulous attention to detail, so it is considered one of the companies that cares about the experience of its customers, Starbucks is also considered a socially responsible and ethical company that includes responsible purchasing practices such as farmer loan subsidies and forestry conservation programs and also creating opportunities through training, education and employment, as well as some programs to reduce Starbucks' environmental footprint through recycling, energy and water conservation, and others.


Starbucks deserved to increase sales in order to establish its identity with its customers, and it became a semi-main destination for them, in order to meet their desires to provide free Wi-Fi and provide a distinctive environment, And because of its presence since 1971, it was able to put an identity different from many cafes, although the coffee that Starbucks offers is available in many brands and may be more delicious than Starbucks coffee, many people prefer to go to Starbucks because they see it as their main coffee station, And because Starbucks has chosen to communicate with its customers through social media as well as digital marketing, it will certainly become easier to make strategic decisions quickly because customers can communicate their complaints and desires easily, and Starbucks can receive them quickly, solve problems and make decisions, And because of their interest in the customer's wishes well and attention to all categories such as vegetarians, they can now spend time in Starbucks more comfortably.


I think that the coffee that Starbucks offers is not great and is considered very ordinary, and now with the emergence of competitors to Starbucks, it may lose a number of its customers due to the presence of cafes that master coffee better than Starbucks and choose the type of coffee and equipment carefully, So Starbucks has to change the coffee and the appliances you use, Starbucks also introduced a drink (pumpkin spice latte), but it doesn't have pumpkin, so I think they should change the name of the drink or put pumpkin in it. Also, the use of the Starbucks secret menu is considered incomprehensible to the public, even if Starbucks has many different drinks.
Also, in recent years, many brands have appeared that compete with Starbucks in quality and use of new technologies, and Starbucks must also reduce the calories in its drinks, for example, a drink (Frappuccino) contains 400 calories and calories may be more than that in other products, also most Starbucks products are rich in caffeine, containing about 330 mg per cup
Starbucks drinks have become so familiar that people can prepare them at home and perhaps prepare them better, so Starbucks should feature drinks that cannot be easily made.


Starbucks has organized many campaigns locally and internationally. Starbucks, the world's leading brand, announced a campaign to localize jobs in its branches in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as it provided job opportunities for men and women in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Saudization program has achieved great success so far, Starbucks strives to reach 35% of localization in Saudi Arabia, and as a company that gives its employees equal job opportunities, Starbucks has become globally known as the best choice for work, Starbucks also launched a campaign that allows customers to create their own drinks because Starbucks customers often prefer to order a drink according to their own taste, Starbucks also used straw made of cardboard to reduce environmental pollution and preserve it, and dispensed with straw by placing lids that enable customers to drink from directly without the need to use straw, Starbucks also launched reusable plastic cups to support reuse, reduce waste and preserve the environment due to Starbucks' keenness on the environment.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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