
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (25%)

I think my abilities and my behaviour gave the confidence to continue to lif achieve my goals all the achievement is less then these I want to achieve them, I'll give all I have and I can just to make my dreams true, studying, learning trying of teach even , just to get the experments, also to have the benefits of responsibility, and in my dictionary standing alone is not problem, but chance to develop my self, also as announcement I'm living in a poor county Yemen, which made alot of friends and relatives settle, but I'm still fighting, struggling to achieve good achievements of my academic studying, not looking to the past, I see after become as I dreamed.

النص الأصلي

I benefit from my circumstances, my experiments to wake up when I forgot my destiny all the the experiments gave me courage to walk through odds through learning from Lantech Institute and also the experment that I thought from online and others, every experment was giving me the confident to complete the march and reflect on my behaviour I'm like the thunder to face the problems of mine, my ex-experments was difficult, but not to stop me because I learned on online some saying, if you hange around the paper shop sooner or litter you going to get haircut, I tried to give up and stop, but my thoughts to get a nice future to change the percent doesn't allowed me, I faced my all acodemy challenges and life, as a lion inside a battle sometimes my circumstances get the top of sitting and Sometimes, the opposite, but always I don't give up, I said I'm not less then those who change the possible. I think my abilities and my behaviour gave the confidence to continue to lif achieve my goals all the achievement is less then these I want to achieve them, I'll give all I have and I can just to make my dreams true, studying, learning trying of teach even , just to get the experments, also to have the benefits of responsibility, and in my dictionary standing alone is not problem, but chance to develop my self, also as announcement I'm living in a poor county Yemen, which made alot of friends and relatives settle, but I'm still fighting, struggling to achieve good achievements of my academic studying, not looking to the past, I see after become as I dreamed. I will help the people who were like me to help them to achieve their future so until that becoming I will complete what I dreamed, also the major that I'll enter my major in your university as I hoped, to develop my self well. Did you know what I am the one of my family who want to complete the studying in the board?, but here or in the board my courage the same, my academic challenges and living will become better during these times ( next times) also some people like a gift who drive you to forward, so those people who I have, I want to make them proud of me by developing the academic challenges and make better living, developing English Language because it's the language of the world and focusing and my major and getting some certificates. all I want is to be Satificatory of my life, I remember old saying, said : "If you want more do the more" so from time to time the intention become less, but take care on the goals of mine everything will be good, my experments, I mean my (ex-experments)diffinttly builded my courage I always appear to seek to get achievement of my goals then and my reflection, not to be warred but to be confident, also the environment have it's own effecting on the person itself , which effected on my personality but, as I said to my friends in high school (Dream, Think, Achieve, then you will be satisfactory) . I've got a lot of friends in my life and also I've got problems but who stayed with me who is better, All the problems that I found in my life, had become bad dream not in present days, my ex-experments gave me strong obitions to get the right road. My story is a part of these experments is like C. V of my life, academic studying and living, And all I hope is to be brave enough to continue and complete the fighting of mine in life.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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