
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Fast and inevitable change in present day caused by globalization phenomenon and scientific fast improvement in economic, social, political and industrial dimensions especially in two previous decades, were companied by tremendous changes in technology in information and relations.As it can be seen it in Fig.1 it includes 4 dimensions Internal Marketing, Social Responsible Marketing, Integrated Marketing and Relationship Marketing [14].Acceleration speed of these changes in deferent dimensions guide managers to improve inside processes of organizations and companies to help their survival in world that is more competitive than yesterday.On the other hand, marketing strategies and Alignment between them have a great importance in advance of organizational goal in implementation of Supply chain processes.The business processes that must necessarily be integrated and coordinated include: purchasing, manufacturing, marketing, logistics, and information processes.So, competitiveness, flexibility and products diversity are considered by productive organizations.Organizations review their strategies by different ways and find survival code in creating more satisfaction of customers.In this regard, one of the considered philosophies was Supply chain manger philosophy.Supply chains are valuable chains which include from Supplier scope up to final customers.Supply chain manager required unity and coordination in business processes during Supply chain to answer demand changes of final customers [1,2].Holistic Marketing recognizes that everything Matters.

النص الأصلي

Fast and inevitable change in present day caused by globalization phenomenon and scientific fast improvement in economic, social, political and industrial dimensions especially in two previous decades, were companied by tremendous changes in technology in information and relations. Acceleration speed of these changes in deferent dimensions guide managers to improve inside processes of organizations and companies to help their survival in world that is more competitive than yesterday. Organizations review their strategies by different ways and find survival code in creating more satisfaction of customers. So, competitiveness, flexibility and products diversity are considered by productive organizations.
In this regard, one of the considered philosophies was Supply chain manger philosophy. On the other hand, marketing strategies and Alignment between them have a great importance in advance of organizational goal in implementation of Supply chain processes.
Supply chains are valuable chains which include from Supplier scope up to final customers. Supply chain manager required unity and coordination in business processes during Supply chain to answer demand changes of final customers [1,2].
The business processes that must necessarily be integrated and coordinated include: purchasing, manufacturing, marketing, logistics, and information processes. As Jarratt and Fayed (2001) state, “The development of integrated supply systems moves competition into a new phase, with systems competing against systems to create efficiency and client value at each point in the system” [1,12].
To be considered effective a well-formulated strategy must be implemented successfully. Implementation effectiveness however, clearly depends on the appropriateness, feasibility and desirability of the strategy. Our argument is that through the development of competency in implementation—the ability to translate ideas into actions and generate positive outcomes—can provide a source of competitive advantage for the organization. A diversity of perspectives has been put forward in defining the concept of strategy implementation [13].
1.2 Research Objectives
On the one hand this study aims to investigate role of Marketing Strategy Alignment in Chemical Companies in specific area (Zanjan Province), on the other hand, tries to pursue Marketing and it’s strategies from wider scope like Supply chain.
Conclusion: Considering insufficient studies and practical steps in this area, the results of this research are considered as a guideline for managers and experts to find their ways in marketing strategies and especially in chemical products industry.

    British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 4(9): 1356-1375, 2014
    2.1 Marketing strategy concept
    Marketing strategy is an important principle that an organization uses to organize and allocate its resources to make profit from customers (who are part of market) with logical parameters related to its components and size[3]. Aaker stated in his research that marketing strategies included widespread function of strategies like positioning, pricing, distributing and globalizing strategies. A successful marketing need and stable competitive advantageous in planning and executing [4].
    In another definition which is presented by Tikanen et al, marketing strategy is a systematic effort through recognition of organizational goal in making optimums values for customers, stock holders and other organizational partners who are relating with operational and strategic goals [5]. Organizational marketing strategy with understanding defined activities for marketing in organizational business strategy took measures to plan this strategy by totalizing manager and systematic processes of complicated changes, coordination, matching, and market and customer intelligence in inside business channel related to organization [5]. Dramond an Answer defined marketing strategies as environment analysis and customer requirements definition, matching activities with customer needs and executing plans to achieve a competitive condition in related with competitors [6].
    Two kind of strategic principle are brought up in the literature of this area. The first type of hypothesis is miles and snow’s hypotheses which are of 4 kinds as, Prospectors, Analyzers Defenders, and Reactors [7]. And the second kind related to generic porter who was divided strategies in to 3 kinds as leadership cost, differentiation and focus [8]. Both of these strategies are used in literature widely but porter’s hypothesis is considered more because of marketing view point. Since, it mentions the ways of creating values by organization [9]. As differentiation and leadership cost and how an organization covers its marketing limitations [10]. Also Sloter said that there were little researches in the field of investigating marketing strategies integrally. Then Sloter and Olsoon Categorized marketing strategies which included offensive marketing, mass marketing, spastic marketing, valuing marketing [10]. Offensive strategies emphasizes on unique, qualitative productions, innovation in productions with high price and special strategies for distribution. While, mass marketing presented wide limitations of productions by using of widespread distribution and low prices. Spastic marketing had the least consideration to marketing and valuing marketing of low prices in contrast with high services to customers [11].
    2.2 Marketing Strategy Alignment
    Considering the views and investigation of Green et al. [1] in 2012 a discussion as marketing strategy Alignment is presented. This view is a near relation with Supply chain processes and especially making relationship with Supply chain partnership and marketing strategies Alignment which are used for creating coordination between Supply chain members in Supply chain, which includes; co-ordination of organizational marketing strategy philosophy with its other partners, creating new concept of productions and services and productions expansion, pricing strategy execution, executing promotion strategy, implementing distribution strategy as well as expansion of unite activity for creating values.

British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade, 4(9): 1356-1375, 2014
In this research this model is used to investigate marketing strategies and Alignment among processes. In following we are going to explain these factors and this model.
2.3 Alignment of Marketing Philosophy
The organizations arrange their marketing activities on base of the following five viewpoints. These viewpoints are: generation, selling, holistic. In the following we are going to explain these philosophies briefly.
2.3.1 Compatible marketing philosophies The production concept
The production concept, one of the oldest in business, holds that consumers prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive. Managers of production-oriented businesses concentrate on achieving high production efficiency, low costs, and mass distribution [14]. The product concept
Other businesses are guided by the product concept, which holds that consumers favor those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features. Managers in these organizations focus on making superior products and improving them over time, assuming that buyers can appraise quality and performance [14]. The selling concept
The selling concept, another common business orientation, holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the organization’s products. The organization must, therefore, undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort. This concept assumes that consumers must be coaxed into buying, so the company has a battery of selling and promotion tools to stimulate buying [14]. The marketing concept
The marketing concept, based on central tenets crystallized in the mid-1950s, challenges the three business orientations we just discussed.18 The marketing concept holds that the key to achieving organizational goals consists of the company being more effective than its competitors in creating, delivering, and communicating customer value to its chosen target markets [14]. The Holistic marketing concept
Kotler Define Holistic Marketing Concept in this way “Develop, design and implement marketing programs, processes and activities that recognize breadth and interdependencies. Holistic Marketing recognizes that everything Matters. As it can be seen it in Fig.1 it includes 4 dimensions Internal Marketing, Social Responsible Marketing, Integrated Marketing and Relationship Marketing [14].

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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