
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

The first case I ever encountered was when I was an intern teacher in one of the local private-owned elementary schools.I also noticed that N.B would rally other children not to play with A.L and this would leave A.L to play with her only best friend, J.R. After a few weeks, J.R began to carry more snacks for her recess with which she would share with A.L.
At one time, A.L missed school for three days and when she finally reported, she had a broken arm.I was in my third year of college and during the school closure, I went to work as an intern in the elementary school.It was not long before I noticed that one of the twins (A.L) appeared malnourished compared to her sister (N.B).She would also not come to school with snacks for recess.I began to wonder just how careless was A.L at home yet in school she never was clumsy.The deputy head teacher was a sister to the school proprietor who also doubled as the principal.I wondered what would happen if my suspicions were wrong and it went to my record that I was a trouble maker.

النص الأصلي

The first case I ever encountered was when I was an intern teacher in one of the local private-owned elementary schools. I was in my third year of college and during the school closure, I went to work as an intern in the elementary school. The school deputy head teacher had twin daughters in the first grade but in separate classrooms. It was not long before I noticed that one of the twins (A.L) appeared malnourished compared to her sister (N.B). A.L would come to school often with a bruise on her face but which seemed to be covered with makeup. She would also not come to school with snacks for recess. A.L had a smaller body frame compared to her sister N.B. Her sister, on the other hand, seemed happy with no injuries on her face. I also noticed that N.B would rally other children not to play with A.L and this would leave A.L to play with her only best friend, J.R. After a few weeks, J.R began to carry more snacks for her recess with which she would share with A.L.
At one time, A.L missed school for three days and when she finally reported, she had a broken arm. When I asked her what had happened, she said that she had fallen down the stairs. Another time, A.L came to school with a bandage on her left foot and said that a kettle of boiling water fell on her foot as she was running around in the kitchen.
I began to wonder just how careless was A.L at home yet in school she never was clumsy. I started to ask myself whether there was something sinister going on with A. L’s life that she was not talking about. The girl was clearly unhappy and was suffering a lot. I was only an intern and not a social worker. I did not know what to do with my suspicions. The deputy head teacher was a sister to the school proprietor who also doubled as the principal. I did not know whether to raise my suspicions with the principal or the deputy head teacher. I wondered what would happen if my suspicions were wrong and it went to my record that I was a trouble maker. I also wondered what would happen if I did not report and the child continued to suffer, as well as how my conscience would sustain my actions.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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