
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

In the deep blue sea, there was a great king who lived with his six daughters and his mother in his great kingdom.He used to love his daughters very much, but his youngest daughter "Eva" was her love in his heart that surpassed the love of her sisters. One day they all celebrated the birth of his fifth daughter, Marina, who is growing up, Eva. They all congratulated her from their hearts and wished her a long life, and with this celebration she was eighteen years old in which she was allowed to go to the surface of the water and enjoy the golden sunlight and the fresh air The sick. The princess was very pleased with the new authority granted to her by her father, but he also gave her some laws which stipulate: "Never get close to the human world, because the world of the sea is completely different from the human world, and it is absolutely forbidden to approach each other from the world of the other," he warned her.At this moment, the little princess "Eva" complained, as she desperately wanted to go with her sister to the surface of the sea, but her father did not authorize her according to their own rules and laws, and he promised her that at the age of eighteen he would authorize her to go; By his decision to prevent her, she believed that he did not love her, but her grandmother and her brothers convinced her that he had done what he had done out of fear for her, and that there was only one year left and her age would be eighteen. The little princess "Eva" was happy, and she longed for the end of the year so that she could fulfill her dream, "Eva" was described as super beauty, and what made her beauty more beautiful was that she was kind-hearted with all the sea creatures, so everyone loved her deeply.Eva: "So humans are overtaking us ?!" Grandma: "No, they certainly do not surpass us, for they have not yet learned how to preserve the environment that the Creator has given us to, do you not see how they could pollute the sea on us ?!"He was the king of the seas and her ruler.He used to live with his six daughters and his mother.

النص الأصلي

In the deep blue sea, there was a great king who lived with his six daughters and his mother in his great kingdom. He was the king of the seas and her ruler. He used to live with his six daughters and his mother. He used to love his daughters very much, but his youngest daughter “Eva” was her love in his heart that surpassed the love of her sisters.

One day they all celebrated the birth of his fifth daughter, Marina, who is growing up, Eva. They all congratulated her from their hearts and wished her a long life, and with this celebration she was eighteen years old in which she was allowed to go to the surface of the water and enjoy the golden sunlight and the fresh air The sick.

The princess was very pleased with the new authority granted to her by her father, but he also gave her some laws which stipulate: “Never get close to the human world, because the world of the sea is completely different from the human world, and it is absolutely forbidden to approach each other from the world of the other,” he warned her. Her father gave a strong warning from the human world and approached him in any way and in any way.

At this moment, the little princess "Eva" complained, as she desperately wanted to go with her sister to the surface of the sea, but her father did not authorize her according to their own rules and laws, and he promised her that at the age of eighteen he would authorize her to go; By his decision to prevent her, she believed that he did not love her, but her grandmother and her brothers convinced her that he had done what he had done out of fear for her, and that there was only one year left and her age would be eighteen.

The little princess "Eva" was happy, and she longed for the end of the year so that she could fulfill her dream, "Eva" was described as super beauty, and what made her beauty more beautiful was that she was kind-hearted with all the sea creatures, so everyone loved her deeply.

One day, “Eva” sat with her grandmother and rushed her through questions to extinguish the fire of curiosity in her about the human world ...

Eva: "Is the human world very different from ours, grandmother ?!"

Grandma: “Yes, humans have legs to walk on, but we don't have legs!”

Eva: “So humans are overtaking us ?!”

Grandma: "No, they certainly do not surpass us, for they have not yet learned how to preserve the environment that the Creator has given us to, do you not see how they could pollute the sea on us ?!"

Eva: "How many years can a human being live, grandmother?"

Grandmother: “Humans are not more than a hundred years old, unlike us nymphs, so we can live more than 300 years, and when we die we turn into sea foam and we are completely over. But if we do good deeds, we do not die, but the nymphs take us and live with them forever.”

"Eva" counted the days and nights, a desire to see people and their world, and the night that her 18th birthday would become, "Eva" did not sleep for all of her time, as she was very ready and ready to meet her dream; On her birthday party, her family, friends and relatives congratulated her.

The father: "Happy every year, my little sweetheart, I am very happy and happy, for my sweetheart has become eighteen years old."

Eva: "It is a very good time, dear father, for you to authorize me to go to the roof to see the human world as you promised me a year ago."

The father laughed at her talk a lot: "Let's now show you the world you yearn to see."

Eva: “But you, Dad, did not go with all of my brothers, but let them go alone!”

Father: “But I want to see the world with you, sweetheart.”

Eva: “I promise you, Dad, that when you are 80 years old I will accompany you with me,” and everyone laughed.

Because of her father's concern and his intense fear for her, the shrimp offered to go with her, and because the little nymph was so excited to see the human world, she swam to the surface very quickly without stopping or feeling tired; As soon as it reached the surface, she found everything beautiful looking for her vision of all things for the first time, so the sky was clear blue and the sun with golden rays, and the birds flying over her head in a smooth and gentle manner.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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