
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Australia's first sheep were bought in Cape Town in South Africa in1787.The breeding ot sheep that took place in Macarthurs' farm at Camden, new south wales, over the next 20 years laid the foundation for the Australian wool industry.The Cape sheep had hairy rather than woolly fleeces ,but they tasted good.Others helped as well, especially the Reverend Samuel Marsden, who some said was more devoted to his woolly flock than the humen flock in his church.By 1813, most ot the suitable paddocks on the caostale ide of the Blue Mountains were full of animalsOthers ate poisonous plants,and convicts stole two and ate them in the bush.

النص الأصلي

Australia's first sheep were bought in Cape Town in South Africa in1787. There were 44 if them .After 11weeks at sea,just 29 made it ashore frome the first fleet . A week later ,some of them were killed be lightning strike . Others ate poisonous plants,and convicts stole two and ate them in the bush. One way and another , Ausralia did not start looking like a good place to raise sheep!
Sheep are usually chosen for wool or for meat , although you can get wool from a sheep grown for meat and you can eat a sheep that is bred for shearing. The Cape sheep had hairy rather than woolly fleeces ,but they tasted good.
During the 1790s ,John Macarthur imported Irishand Bengal sheep. Then, in 1797, a ship arrived with 13 meriono sheep from Cape Town and John Macarthur took 6 of them . The breeding ot sheep that took place in Macarthurs' farm at Camden, new south wales, over the next 20 years laid the foundation for the Australian wool industry. However, it mostly Elizabith Macarthur who bred the sheep, as her husband, John, was out of the colony for almost half that time.
Others helped as well, especially the Reverend Samuel Marsden, who some said was more devoted to his woolly flock than the humen flock in his church.
By 1813, most ot the suitable paddocks on the caostale ide of the Blue Mountains were full of animals

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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