
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

The problem of the current research is summarized in the following questions: What is the level of developmental changes in adolescents?Keywords: developmental changes, the physical aspect, the cognitive aspect, the psychological aspect, the adolescent stage, emotional sensitivity.In order to achieve these goals, a sample of middle school students affiliated to the Ministry of Education in the capital, Baghdad, was selected, numbering (264) male and female students, their ages ranged between (14-17) years, distributed over four schools.Is there a relationship between developmental changes in its various dimensions (physical, psychological, cognitive) and emotional sensitivity among a sample of adolescents?As well as identifying the level of emotional sensitivity in adolescents, identifying the relationship between developmental changes and emotional sensitivity, and identifying the nature of the differences between developmental changes and emotional sensitivity according to some demographic variables (sex - age).The researchers relied on the Rehacom system for diagnosis and computerized cognitive training as a measure of research to extract data for the research.

النص الأصلي

The problem of the current research is summarized in the following questions: What is the level of developmental changes in adolescents? What is the level of emotional sensitivity in adolescents? Is there a relationship between developmental changes in its various dimensions (physical, psychological, cognitive) and emotional sensitivity among a sample of adolescents? Does the degree of developmental changes and emotional sensitivity in adolescents differ according to gender and age? Accordingly, the current research aims to identify the level of developmental changes in adolescents. As well as identifying the level of emotional sensitivity in adolescents, identifying the relationship between developmental changes and emotional sensitivity, and identifying the nature of the differences between developmental changes and emotional sensitivity according to some demographic variables (sex - age). In order to achieve these goals, a sample of middle school students affiliated to the Ministry of Education in the capital, Baghdad, was selected, numbering (264) male and female students, their ages ranged between (14-17) years, distributed over four schools. The researchers relied on the Rehacom system for diagnosis and computerized cognitive training as a measure of research to extract data for the research. The results of the statistical analysis indicated that the level of developmental changes and emotional sensitivity of the sample is high. The results also indicated that there was a positive correlation between emotional sensitivity and psychological changes, while there was a negative correlation between emotional sensitivity and cognitive changes. There are also statistically significant differences between males and females in favor of females in developmental changes. There are statistically significant differences between the two age groups (14-17) in favor of the age group (17) in developmental changes. There are statistically significant differences between males and females in favor of females in emotional sensitivity. There are statistically significant differences between the two age groups in favor of the age group (14) in emotional sensitivity. Based on the research results, a set of recommendations and suggestions were formulated.
Keywords: developmental changes, the physical aspect, the cognitive aspect, the psychological aspect, the adolescent stage, emotional sensitivity.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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