
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (31%)

During this research, (Nizar, 2021) imposed a theory in which This study inspects the impact of Islamic scholarly capital that comprises of Underlying Capital, Human Resources, and
Capital Utilized on takaful monetary execution in Southeast Asia and the Center East during 2016-2019.To accomplish this goal, organizations
could work on representatives' information on sharia guidelines, particularly in regards to sharia protection, preparing, satisfying
worker's privileges, further developing framework quality, administrations, and exchange methodology
This study presumes that not every one of the factors of Islamic scholarly capital are altogether influence takaful monetary execution.These review discoveries are supposed to give a reference, assessment, and improvement for sharia protection the executives to enhance the Islamic scholarly capital in further developing the company's monetary execution.

النص الأصلي

During this research, (Nizar, 2021) imposed a theory in which This study inspects the impact of Islamic scholarly capital that comprises of Underlying Capital, Human Resources, and
Capital Utilized on takaful monetary execution in Southeast Asia and the Center East during 2016-2019. The
subordinate variable, takaful monetary execution, is estimated from the association's ROE. The free factors in the
current review are the Human Resources Effectiveness (HCE), Underlying Capital Proficiency (SCE), and Capital Utilized
Effectiveness (CEE), and Review Assessment utilized as a control variable. This study is a spellbinding quantitative exploration utilizing
numerous direct relapse examination. The number of inhabitants in this study is the sharia protection firms in Southeast Asia and
Center East nations with an aggregate of 155 perceptions. That's what this study shows, two out of three factors are critical.
Underlying Capital Proficiency makes a positive and tremendous difference, Capital Utilized Productivity has a negative and
critical effect, and the Human Resources Productivity significantly affects takaful monetary execution. This
study can be utilized as a kind of perspective, assessment, and wellspring of progress for sharia protection firms in upgrading
the Islamic scholarly money to work on the association's monetary execution. To accomplish this goal, organizations
could work on representatives' information on sharia guidelines, particularly in regards to sharia protection, preparing, satisfying
worker's privileges, further developing framework quality, administrations, and exchange methodology
This study presumes that not every one of the factors of Islamic scholarly capital are altogether influence takaful monetary execution. To some degree, SCE emphatically and fundamentally influences takaful monetary execution. Hence, an organization needs to keep up with and work on its Primary Capital quality. CEE adversely influences takaful monetary execution, which shows that a high relationship with outside parties will in general diminish the organization's monetary execution. This peculiarity happens on the grounds that a firm has areas of strength for an on its partner's advantage. HCE doesn't influence company's exhibition since human is versatile and unusual, particularly in term of their steadfastness towards an organization. These review discoveries are supposed to give a reference, assessment, and improvement for sharia protection the executives to enhance the Islamic scholarly capital in further developing the company's monetary execution. The limit of this study is the choice of the intermediaries to gauge the variable, populace scope, also, research period. Future examinations should seriously think about otherintermediaries, increment test size, and expand the exploration that is all.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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