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نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Michele Trasilla # 77
http://www.jmde.com/ Theorists' Theories of Evaluation
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 6, Number 13
ISSN 1556-8180
February 2010
Theorists' Theories of Evaluation: A
Conversation with Jennifer Greene
Michele Tarsilla
Western Michigan University
Background: Evaluation is sometimes viewed as
a professional practice rather than a discipline
corresponding to a well defined set of theories.Such theoretical categories
would be especially beneficial in that they will
provide some common ground of understanding
among both practitioners and scholars on
evaluation concepts and practices which
experience has shown to be in constant evolution.Such theoretical categories
would be especially beneficial in that they will
provide some common ground of understanding
among both practitioners and scholars on
evaluation concepts and practices which
experience has shown to be in constant evolution.http://www.jmde.com/ Theorists' Theories of Evaluation
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 6, Number 13
ISSN 1556-8180
February 2010
Theorists' Theories of Evaluation: A
Conversation with Jennifer Greene
Michele Tarsilla
Western Michigan University
Background: Evaluation is sometimes viewed as
a professional practice rather than a discipline
corresponding to a well defined set of theories.In particular, the
authors identified five main elements for
evaluation theory and described the contribution
made to each of them by seven of the most
influential scholars in the field over the last five
decades.For this
purpose, the author recommends that the five
main theories applied by this article to examine
Jennifer Greene's work should be used more
systematically in the future to describe and analyze
evaluators' practice.In particular, the
authors identified five main elements for
evaluation theory and described the contribution
made to each of them by seven of the most
influential scholars in the field over the last five
decades.For this
purpose, the author recommends that the five
main theories applied by this article to examine
Jennifer Greene's work should be used more
systematically in the future to describe and analyze
evaluators' practice.For the sake of accuracy, the text of the
interview and the corresponding analysis were
submitted to Greene for review prior to
publication.Second, as knowledge is mediated by
evaluators' perceptual frames, Greene believes that
an unfiltered (objective) view of the world is not
feasible.Fifth, Greene declares that
advocacy in evaluation is inevitable and, as a
result, evaluators should play a socially
enfranchising role today.For the sake of accuracy, the text of the
interview and the corresponding analysis were
submitted to Greene for review prior to
publication.Second, as knowledge is mediated by
evaluators' perceptual frames, Greene believes that
an unfiltered (objective) view of the world is not
feasible.Fifth, Greene declares that
advocacy in evaluation is inevitable and, as a
result, evaluators should play a socially
enfranchising role today.However, Shadish, Cook and Leviton (1991) were
able to demonstrate that evaluators' work does
have theoretical foundations.Keywords: evaluation theory, valuing, social
programming, knowledge, practice, use

النص الأصلي

Michele Trasilla # 77
http://www.jmde.com/ Theorists’ Theories of Evaluation
Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 6, Number 13
ISSN 1556-8180
February 2010
Theorists’ Theories of Evaluation: A
Conversation with Jennifer Greene
Michele Tarsilla
Western Michigan University
Background: Evaluation is sometimes viewed as
a professional practice rather than a discipline
corresponding to a well defined set of theories.
However, Shadish, Cook and Leviton (1991) were
able to demonstrate that evaluators’ work does
have theoretical foundations. In particular, the
authors identified five main elements for
evaluation theory and described the contribution
made to each of them by seven of the most
influential scholars in the field over the last five
Purpose: This paper intends to further the
discussion on evaluation theory, by examining
some of the contributions made Jennifer Greene,
one of the most influential figures in contemporary
evaluation. The paper mainly focuses on Greene’s
innovative ideas on each of the five main elements
of evaluation theory.
Setting: Not applicable.
Subjects: Not applicable.
Research Design: Not applicable.
Data Collection and Analysis: The paper is the
result of both a desk review of Jennifer Greene’s
most relevant work on bias, objectivity, and
advocacy in evaluation, and a phone interview
with her. For the sake of accuracy, the text of the
interview and the corresponding analysis were
submitted to Greene for review prior to
Findings: The author shows how Greene has
incorporated the five principles into her own work
and how this eventually influenced her practice.
Greene sorts evaluation approaches based on the
interests they serve and the values they promote.
However, she seems to have developed her theory
on valuing further over the years and today she
claims that evaluators should never privilege
anyone’s specific side in the course of their
assignments. Second, as knowledge is mediated by
evaluators’ perceptual frames, Greene believes that
an unfiltered (objective) view of the world is not
feasible. Third, she views evaluation as a force for
democratizing public conversations about
important issues. Fourth, although the evaluator’s
relationship with program staff could be collegial,
Greene believes that evaluators have no authority
or responsibility for the program design and
implementation. Fifth, Greene declares that
advocacy in evaluation is inevitable and, as a
result, evaluators should play a socially
enfranchising role today.
Conclusions: The debate on evaluation’s main
theoretical foundations is still relevant. For this
purpose, the author recommends that the five
main theories applied by this article to examine
Jennifer Greene’s work should be used more
systematically in the future to describe and analyze
evaluators’ practice. Such theoretical categories
would be especially beneficial in that they will
provide some common ground of understanding
among both practitioners and scholars on
evaluation concepts and practices which
experience has shown to be in constant evolution.
Keywords: evaluation theory, valuing, social
programming, knowledge, practice, use

  • Tarsilla, M. (2010). Theorists’ Theories of Evaluation: A Conversation with Jennifer Greene. Journal of
    MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 6, Number 13. 209-219.
    http://www.jmde.com/ Theorists’ Theories of Evaluation
    Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Volume 6, Number 13
    ISSN 1556-8180
    February 2010
    Theorists’ Theories of Evaluation: A
    Conversation with Jennifer Greene
    Michele Tarsilla
    Western Michigan University
    Background: Evaluation is sometimes viewed as
    a professional practice rather than a discipline
    corresponding to a well defined set of theories.
    However, Shadish, Cook and Leviton (1991) were
    able to demonstrate that evaluators’ work does
    have theoretical foundations. In particular, the
    authors identified five main elements for
    evaluation theory and described the contribution
    made to each of them by seven of the most
    influential scholars in the field over the last five
    Purpose: This paper intends to further the
    discussion on evaluation theory, by examining
    some of the contributions made Jennifer Greene,
    one of the most influential figures in contemporary
    evaluation. The paper mainly focuses on Greene’s
    innovative ideas on each of the five main elements
    of evaluation theory.
    Setting: Not applicable.
    Subjects: Not applicable.
    Research Design: Not applicable.
    Data Collection and Analysis: The paper is the
    result of both a desk review of Jennifer Greene’s
    most relevant work on bias, objectivity, and
    advocacy in evaluation, and a phone interview
    with her. For the sake of accuracy, the text of the
    interview and the corresponding analysis were
    submitted to Greene for review prior to
    Findings: The author shows how Greene has
    incorporated the five principles into her own work
    and how this eventually influenced her practice.
    Greene sorts evaluation approaches based on the
    interests they serve and the values they promote.
    However, she seems to have developed her theory
    on valuing further over the years and today she
    claims that evaluators should never privilege
    anyone’s specific side in the course of their
    assignments. Second, as knowledge is mediated by
    evaluators’ perceptual frames, Greene believes that
    an unfiltered (objective) view of the world is not
    feasible. Third, she views evaluation as a force for
    democratizing public conversations about
    important issues. Fourth, although the evaluator’s
    relationship with program staff could be collegial,
    Greene believes that evaluators have no authority
    or responsibility for the program design and
    implementation. Fifth, Greene declares that
    advocacy in evaluation is inevitable and, as a
    result, evaluators should play a socially
    enfranchising role today.
    Conclusions: The debate on evaluation’s main
    theoretical foundations is still relevant. For this
    purpose, the author recommends that the five
    main theories applied by this article to examine
    Jennifer Greene’s work should be used more
    systematically in the future to describe and analyze
    evaluators’ practice. Such theoretical categories
    would be especially beneficial in that they will
    provide some common ground of understanding
    among both practitioners and scholars on
    evaluation concepts and practices which
    experience has shown to be in constant evolution.
    Keywords: evaluation theory, valuing, social
    programming, knowledge, practice, use

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