
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (49%)

The first of its premises China, which is rapidly completing its political unity, is expanding its territory beyond its natural borders. is that it has no borders. With the Great Wall rising in the north, the sea to the east and south, and the high a boundary marker in addition to the lines defined by plateaus, the Yellow River and the Dark Mountains in the north was built. As an agricultural objective, the wall also served the purpose of connecting the unproductive lands abandoned by the Huns It is a border that separates the fertile lands of China. Another purpose of the wall was to prevent a cruel to block the escape routes of the Chinese people who wanted to escape the tyranny of the ruling Ch'in and to create a is to build a kind of prison (Okay, 2018). LOCATION The length of the Great Wall of China: 8851.8 km. Of this, 6259.5 km are walls, 359.7 km are ditches, and 2232.5 km are natural defense barriers such as slopes and rivers. Great Wall of China Construction History: The construction of this wall, which is the subject of legends, started in 221 BC and continued by the Chinese until the 17th century AD. The construction of this defense wall took about 2000 years. Nearly 3 million workers were employed. The Great Wall begins at Liaotung Bay in Shan-hai-kuan, runs north-westward past Ku-pei-k'ou, and then divides into two branches, north and south. The southern section, near Beijing, has large areas in Pa-ta-ling, guarding the Chü-yungkuan gorge, with which today's travelers are very familiar. regions. The northern branch runs along the borders of what is now Shanxi province. The two branches reunite somewhere near the Yellow River and a third southern wall secures the crossings southwest of the center. On the west side of the Yellow River, the Great Wall crosses the edge of the Ordos Desert and Ninghsia and then enters the Kansu Gorge. It follows the Kansu Pass until it reaches the western gate of the empire at Chia-yü-kuan (Waldron, 1983). Aksin (2000), on the other hand, argues that the embankment, whose starting point is the Po-Hay Bay in the Yellow Sea, was built from the north of Beijing to the west. and then crosses the middle of the Huang-Ho alluvium, extends in a southwesterly direction and ends. brought about by the Wall. The wall passes through 10 cities, 156 accidents and has 7062 watchtowers (Akbulut, 2014). Stone and adobe blocks were used in the construction of the Great Wall of China. Its length is approximately 6700 km. The foundation and upper wall widths of the building are different from each other. The foundation width is 650 cm and the upper wall width is 570 cm (Okay, 2018). It is possible to move on the embankment with cars and horses. Every 200 meters a castle and a watchtower, and lighting every 9000 meters (Aksin, 2000). Lowest point of the structure point is 850 cm above the ground and the highest point is 12 meters above the ground. These peaks are are generally located at strategic crossings. With bastions of approximately 100 cm to 170 cm structure is said to have been seen from space (Okay, 2018). The rumor was published in 1932 by the cartoonist Ripley It emerged with the cartoon he drew and published with the slogan "Believe it or not!" (Timur, 2016). On the contrary, this is a misconception because the normal sensitivity of the eye to see the structure at such a distance is 10 times as high precision (Sarıgül, 2016). Stretching along the northwest of China, it is seen from space as a long thin river and is the most important One of its features is that it is the longest man-made defense wall in the world. The structure includes temples and palaces (Aksin, 2000).

النص الأصلي

The first of its premises China, which is rapidly completing its political unity, is expanding its territory beyond its natural borders. is that it has no borders. With the Great Wall rising in the north, the sea to the east and south, and the high a boundary marker in addition to the lines defined by plateaus, the Yellow River and the Dark Mountains in the north was built. As an agricultural objective, the wall also served the purpose of connecting the unproductive lands abandoned by the Huns It is a border that separates the fertile lands of China. Another purpose of the wall was to prevent a cruel to block the escape routes of the Chinese people who wanted to escape the tyranny of the ruling Ch'in and to create a is to build a kind of prison (Okay, 2018). LOCATION The length of the Great Wall of China: 8851.8 km. Of this, 6259.5 km are walls, 359.7 km are ditches, and 2232.5 km are natural defense barriers such as slopes and rivers. Great Wall of China Construction History: The construction of this wall, which is the subject of legends, started in 221 BC and continued by the Chinese until the 17th century AD. The construction of this defense wall took about 2000 years. Nearly 3 million workers were employed. The Great Wall begins at Liaotung Bay in Shan-hai-kuan, runs north-westward past Ku-pei-k'ou, and then divides into two branches, north and south. The southern section, near Beijing, has large areas in Pa-ta-ling, guarding the Chü-yungkuan gorge, with which today's travelers are very familiar. regions. The northern branch runs along the borders of what is now Shanxi province. The two branches reunite somewhere near the Yellow River and a third southern wall secures the crossings southwest of the center. On the west side of the Yellow River, the Great Wall crosses the edge of the Ordos Desert and Ninghsia and then enters the Kansu Gorge. It follows the Kansu Pass until it reaches the western gate of the empire at Chia-yü-kuan (Waldron, 1983). Aksin (2000), on the other hand, argues that the embankment, whose starting point is the Po-Hay Bay in the Yellow Sea, was built from the north of Beijing to the west. and then crosses the middle of the Huang-Ho alluvium, extends in a southwesterly direction and ends. brought about by the Wall. The wall passes through 10 cities, 156 accidents and has 7062 watchtowers (Akbulut, 2014). Stone and adobe blocks were used in the construction of the Great Wall of China. Its length is approximately 6700 km. The foundation and upper wall widths of the building are different from each other. The foundation width is 650 cm and the upper wall width is 570 cm (Okay, 2018). It is possible to move on the embankment with cars and horses. Every 200 meters a castle and a watchtower, and lighting every 9000 meters (Aksin, 2000). Lowest point of the structure point is 850 cm above the ground and the highest point is 12 meters above the ground. These peaks are are generally located at strategic crossings. With bastions of approximately 100 cm to 170 cm structure is said to have been seen from space (Okay, 2018). The rumor was published in 1932 by the cartoonist Ripley It emerged with the cartoon he drew and published with the slogan "Believe it or not!" (Timur, 2016). On the contrary, this is a misconception because the normal sensitivity of the eye to see the structure at such a distance is 10 times as high precision (Sarıgül, 2016). Stretching along the northwest of China, it is seen from space as a long thin river and is the most important One of its features is that it is the longest man-made defense wall in the world. The structure includes temples and palaces (Aksin, 2000).

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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