
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (30%)

5.3.1 Choose a scientific article from a technical journal.5.3.6The teacher supports students in writing a group report by providing guidelines for structuring the report and dividing the workload, i.e. who will write what sections and take responsibility for piecing the sections together as well as for proofreading (a proof-reader reads the report carefully and corrects spelling errors, references etc.).Clarify how each section relates to all the others, and decide roughly how long (how many words or pages) each section should be. The completed outline of the report is presented in turn, and each team provides feedback on it - commentaries, questions, or suggestions for the improvement.Emphasize the importance of avoiding plagiarism and provide a couple of
41concrete examples in which authors of reports, papers or other forms of publications did not follow the rule of copyright.Plagiarism is the wrongly appropriation and stealing and publication of another authorThe idea remains problematic with unclear definitions and unclear rules.5.3.7 After listening the presentations of the group reports (written within the task 5.3.6), each team in turn makes comments, gives the report a mark for separate sections and overall, and checks it against the following marking criteria: Is the purpose of the report clear?5.3.8 The teacher asks the students to reflect on their own individual role within the group work: what their contribution was, what role(s) they played, how well they fulfilled their responsibilities and how they could work more effectively in groups in the future.5.3.3 Choose a scientific article related to your specialization.

النص الأصلي

5.3.1 Choose a scientific article from a technical journal. Divide it into sections following the structure: Introduction; Methods used; Results presented; Discussion; Conclusion. Were all the mentioned sections applied in the article? If not, give your opinion on their necessity. 5.3.2 Read a scientific article. Formulate its main idea and determine the key words (up to ten). 5.3.3 Choose a scientific article related to your specialization. Read it and select technical terms. Create in an alphabetical order a glossary of them. You may use it for your (future) scientific work. 5.3.4 The teacher asks students to suggest a new law, with reasons for it. They can start with the introductory words, such as: There ought to be a ent writes the new law in clear terms, explains it absolutely clearly with minimum of misunderstanding or misinterpretation. The clarity of the writing will be tested by team questions and review. During this exercise, creative thinking is expected to be used and followed by ethics and morality discussions. 5.3.5 Within a team, plan a group report and discuss its overall structure. Agree on what sections it should have and what function of each section is. Create an outline of the report that consists of contents and a paragraph what each section will be about. Clarify how each section relates to all the others, and decide roughly how long (how many words or pages) each section should be. The completed outline of the report is presented in turn, and each team provides feedback on it - commentaries, questions, or suggestions for the improvement.

5.3.6The teacher supports students in writing a group report by providing guidelines for structuring the report and dividing the workload, i.e. who will write what sections and take responsibility for piecing the sections together as well as for proofreading (a proof-reader reads the report carefully and corrects spelling errors, references etc.). Everyone in the group should write and review at least one section. The final version of the report is read aloud and evaluated according to both its content and consistent style. 5.3.7 After listening the presentations of the group reports (written within the task 5.3.6), each team in turn makes comments, gives the report a mark for separate sections and overall, and checks it against the following marking criteria: Is the purpose of the report clear? Do all the sections fit together well? Are the required components covered adequately? Are the conclusions clear? Is there anything what could have been done better? When students review the group work, they reflect on their own experience as a group and understand better what makes a group work well together. 5.3.8 The teacher asks the students to reflect on their own individual role within the group work: what their contribution was, what role(s) they played, how well they fulfilled their responsibilities and how they could work more effectively in groups in the future. Some of the following questions can be used to provide a framework for students to report on the processes of group work. How did you get to know each other as a group and establish ways of working together? What roles did you adopt within your group? How did you allocate tasks? What other strategies did you use for dividing up the workload (e.g. working in pairs)? How did you improve the effectiveness of your group? What challenges and issues did you experience as a group? What process did you use to write your group report and/or develop your presentation? What were your personal strengths and weaknesses as a member of the group? How would you personally do things differently if you were to work with the same group? How has this experience helped you to understand the role of groups in the workplace? What else have you learnt about working in groups? 5.3.9 Explain the problem of plagiarism in the form of a written report. Emphasize the importance of avoiding plagiarism and provide a couple of
41concrete examples in which authors of reports, papers or other forms of publications did not follow the rule of copyright. 5.3.10 Choose a topic related to your own (technical) field of interest. Write a draft of the structure of your future report using the sections recommended in the course lecture. 39Bibliography lists - in alphabetical order by author, all sources referred to in your report. Remember: all sources used in the report have to be acknowledged and referenced throughout in order to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is the wrongly appropriation and stealing and publication of another authorThe idea remains problematic with unclear definitions and unclear rules. The modern concept of plagiarism as immoral and originality as an ideal emerged in Europe only in the 18th century, particularly with the Romantic movement. Plagiarism is considered academic dishonesty and or academic fraud. It is subject to sanctions like penalties, suspension, and even expulsion. Plagiarism is not a crime per se but in academia and industry, it is a serious ethical offense, and cases of plagiarism can constitute copyright infringement. Many institutions use plagiarism detection software to uncover potential plagiarism and to deter students from plagiarism.

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