
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

oFood does so much more than simply sustain life.oMicronutrients: needed in much smaller amounts and include vitamins and minerals

Malnutrition and Infection Cycle

Loss of appetite
Increased need for energy and nutrients

Increased severity and duration of disease

Inadequate diet

Weight loss
Growth faltering
Lowered immunity
Increased susceptibility


Age: 2 years 9 months
Weight: 10.7 kg.
Height: 78.3 cm
2 years 6 months
11.6 kg.
86.4 cm
8.1 cm

Causes of stunting

oPoor living conditions - low parental education, poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy, etc


oConsequences include:
oHigher morbidity and mortality
oLower educational achievement
oReduced productivity in adulthood.Model for undernutrition

Basic causes
Formal and informal infrastructure/
political ideology/resources
Inadequate food intake
Poor Public
Household food insecurity
Poor social and care practices
Immediate causes of undernutrition
oUndernutrition occurs when there is
oinsufficient nutrient intake and/or
oan increase of nutrient needs that prevents effective utilization of nutrients (i.e. morbidity)

oNutritional requirements are defined by
oMacronutrients: needed in large amounts and include protein, carbohydrate and fat.In contrast, common screening parameters in acute care settings include unintentional weight loss, appetite, body mass index (BMI), and disease severity.NUTRITION SCREENING
oNutrition screening is a quick look at a few variables to identify individuals who are malnourished or who are at risk for malnutrition so that an in-depth nutrition assessment can follow.3/25/2024
What causes malnutrition????????????...???????????...???????????...3/25/2024

النص الأصلي

•Food does so much more than simply sustain life. Food is loaded with personal, social, and cultural meanings that define our food values, beliefs, and customs. That food nourishes the mind as well as the body broadens nutrition to an art as well as a science.
•Nutrition is not simply a matter of food or no food but rather a question of what kind, how much, how often, and why. Merging want with need and pleasure with health are keys to feeding the body, mind, and soul.
جاري التحميل…
•Although the dietitian is the nutrition and food expert, nurses play a vital role in nutrition care. Nurses may be responsible for screening hospitalized patients to identify patients at nutritional risk. They often serve as the liaison between the dietitian and physician as well as with other members of the health-care team.
•Nurses have far more contact with the patient and family and are often available as a nutrition resource when dietitians are not, such as during the evening, on weekends, and during discharge instructions.
•Nutrition screening is a quick look at a few variables to identify individuals who are malnourished or who are at risk for malnutrition so that an in-depth nutrition assessment can follow. Screening tools should be simple, reliable, valid, applicable to most patients or clients. For instance, a community-based senior center may use a nutrition screen that focuses mostly on intake risks common to that population, such as whether the client eats alone most of the time and/or has physical limitations that impair the ability to buy or cook food. In contrast, common screening parameters in acute care settings include unintentional weight loss, appetite, body mass index (BMI), and disease severity. Advanced age, and other factors may be considered.
جاري التحميل…

What causes malnutrition?
جاري التحميل…
Model for undernutrition

Basic causes
Formal and informal infrastructure/
political ideology/resources
Inadequate food intake
Poor Public
Household food insecurity
Poor social and care practices
Immediate causes of undernutrition
•Undernutrition occurs when there is
•insufficient nutrient intake and/or
•an increase of nutrient needs that prevents effective utilization of nutrients (i.e. morbidity)

•Nutritional requirements are defined by
•Macronutrients: needed in large amounts and include protein, carbohydrate and fat.
•Micronutrients: needed in much smaller amounts and include vitamins and minerals

Malnutrition and Infection Cycle

Loss of appetite
Increased need for energy and nutrients

Increased severity and duration of disease

Inadequate diet

Weight loss
Growth faltering
Lowered immunity
Increased susceptibility


Age: 2 years 9 months
Weight: 10.7 kg.
Height: 78.3 cm
2 years 6 months
11.6 kg.
86.4 cm
8.1 cm

Causes of stunting

•Poor living conditions - low parental education, poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy, etc


•Consequences include:
•Higher morbidity and mortality
•Lower educational achievement
•Reduced productivity in adulthood.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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