
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Crusoe leaves his home
as a young man to go to sea, against his family's
wishes.While these reflections were rolling in
my mind, I was very thankful in my thoughts that I was so
happy as not to be thereabouts at that time, or that they
did not see my boat, by which they would have concluded
that some inhabitants had been in the place, and perhaps
have searched farther for me. Then terrible thoughts
racked my imagination about their having found out my
boat, and that there were people here; and that, if so, I
should certainly have them come again in greater
numbers and devour me; that if it should happen that
they should not find me, yet they would find my
enclosure, destroy all my corn, and carry away all my
flock of tame goats, and I should perish at last for mere
want.How it came thither I knew not, nor could I in the
least imagine; but after innumerable fluttering thoughts,
like a man perfectly confused and out of myself, I came
home to my fortification, not feeling, as we say, the
ground I went on, but terrified to the last degree, looking
behind me at every two or three steps, mistaking every
bush and tree, and fancying every stump at a distance to
be a man.I slept none that night; the farther I was from the
occasion of my fright, the greater my apprehensions
were, which is something contrary to the nature of such
things, and especially to the usual practice of all
creatures in fear; but I was so embarrassed with my own
frightful ideas of the thing, that I formed nothing but
dismal imaginations to myself, even though I was now a
great way off...Nor is it possible to describe how many various
shapes my affrighted imagination represented things to
me in, how many wild ideas were found every moment in
my fancy, and what strange, unaccountable whimsies
came into my thoughts by the way.After several smaller misadventures, he ends
up in Brazil with a sugar plantation.

النص الأصلي

Crusoe leaves his home
as a young man to go to sea, against his family's
wishes. After several smaller misadventures, he ends
up in Brazil with a sugar plantation. Soon, he decides
to sail to Africa to buy some slaves for his plantation.
This is when he runs into trouble.
His ship encounters a storm, and the ship crashes into
the rocks near an island. Everyone jumps overboard to
try to save themselves. Crusoe, however, is the only
one to survive.
One day, Crusoe encounters people on the island. He
discovers that they are cannibals with some prisoners.
He helps one of the prisoners escape, a man he
names Friday. Soon, he and Friday are close friends.
After some time, a ship of Europeans comes to the
island. Crusoe and Friday make a deal with the captain
of the ship and he takes them back to Europe. Crusoe
had lived on the island for 28 years.

happened one day, about noon, going towards my
boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a
man's naked foot on the shore, which was very plain to
be seen on the sand. I stood like one thunderstruck, or as
if I had seen an apparition. I listened, I looked round me,
but I could hear nothing, nor see anything; I went up to a
rising ground to look farther; I went up the shore and
down the shore, but it was all one; I could see no other
impression but that one. I went to it again to see if there
were any more, and to observe if it might not be my
fancy; but there was no room for that, for there was
exactly the print of a foot - toes, heel, and every part of a
foot. How it came thither I knew not, nor could I in the
least imagine; but after innumerable fluttering thoughts,
like a man perfectly confused and out of myself, I came
home to my fortification, not feeling, as we say, the
ground I went on, but terrified to the last degree, looking
behind me at every two or three steps, mistaking every
bush and tree, and fancying every stump at a distance to
be a man. Nor is it possible to describe how many various
shapes my affrighted imagination represented things to
me in, how many wild ideas were found every moment in
my fancy, and what strange, unaccountable whimsies
came into my thoughts by the way.
When I came to my castle (for so I think I called it ever
after this), I fled into it like one pursued. Whether I went
over by the ladder, as first contrived, or went in at the
hole in the rock, which I had called a door, I cannot
remember; no, nor could I remember
the next morning, for never frightened
hare fled to cover, or fox to earth, with
more terror of mind than I to this retreat.
I slept none that night; the farther I was from the
occasion of my fright, the greater my apprehensions
were, which is something contrary to the nature of such
things, and especially to the usual practice of all
creatures in fear; but I was so embarrassed with my own
frightful ideas of the thing, that I formed nothing but
dismal imaginations to myself, even though I was now a
great way off... While these reflections were rolling in
my mind, I was very thankful in my thoughts that I was so
happy as not to be thereabouts at that time, or that they
did not see my boat, by which they would have concluded
that some inhabitants had been in the place, and perhaps
have searched farther for me. Then terrible thoughts
racked my imagination about their having found out my
boat, and that there were people here; and that, if so, I
should certainly have them come again in greater
numbers and devour me; that if it should happen that
they should not find me, yet they would find my
enclosure, destroy all my corn, and carry away all my
flock of tame goats, and I should perish at last for mere

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

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