
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

The Chief will pick Billy Evans as the new vice president because aside from he has an M.B.A., like the chief, from Harvard Business School, he has also very sharp mind for finances.Choosing a person who will be the one of the most powerful people in the company is difficult especially when all of the candidates are highly qualified and highly recommended by different big persons in the company for the position.The three leading candidates, Laura Prove, A rein Sander and Billy Evans have unique characteristics and edge with one another in which the company can benefit with.The Chief has credited him with turning the company's financial situation around, although others in the company believe Sander's product or Provo's selling ability really deserves the credit.Impression management is applied by the two current vice presidents and Billy Evans.

النص الأصلي

The Chief will pick Billy Evans as the new vice president because aside from he has an M.B.A., like the chief, from Harvard Business School, he has also very sharp mind for finances. The Chief has credited him with turning the company’s financial situation around, although others in the company believe Sander’s product or Provo's selling ability really deserves the credit.

Choosing a person who will be the one of the most powerful people in the company is difficult especially when all of the candidates are highly qualified and highly recommended by different big persons in the company for the position. The three leading candidates, Laura Prove, A rein Sander and Billy Evans have unique characteristics and edge with one another in which the company can benefit with.

Impression management is applied by the two current vice presidents and Billy Evans. Harley Learner applied the impression management by throwing a lavish banquet in the company’s history to announce the award and made a long and impassioned speech about the accomplishments of Ernie Sanders and heralding Sand eras “the future of Ramsey Electronics.” With theses, the decision of the Chief on choosing the new vice president will be affected on what Harley Learner said. Frank Barn wood, on the other hand, throws many clippings or articles about having women at the top levels of a company. Given that Frank Barn wood is pushing Laura Prove who is a woman, the article has an impact on the decision of the Chief. Lastly, Billy Evans also applied the impression management by reporting to the Chief every other week about the company’s financial successes and attending the handball game every Tuesday and Thursday every after work with the Chief. The relationship that Billy Evans and the Chief might improve and the Chief’s decision might be affected because of their closeness.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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