
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (44%)

The responsibility of the surgeon to his patient in the
operating suite begins before the wielding of the knife.Temperature--Evaporation of gaseous fumigant is
more at the higher temperature. As a general rule, about 180
ml is used for a room of the size 1000 cubic feet (=10
x 10 x 10 feet)
Parameters Optimum levels for effective fumigation
Relative humidity Over 70 %
Temperature 30-40 0 C
Formaldehyde levels 5 ppm or more
Following fumigation, ideally swabs are taken and
culture done to ensure the sterility of the operation room.Most properly equipped operating suites
will have an anesthesia induction room to protect the
patient from such disturbances.Water
used in the fumigator along with the fumigant
(formalin) helps to achieve and maintain the desired
2.Formaldehyde levels in the air--should be ideally 5
ppm or more.The dose of formalin is usually decided
by the size of the room.The anesthetist once again reviews the patient
here, who has already been examined in the pre-
aneasthetic clinic on the previous day.3.

النص الأصلي

The responsibility of the surgeon to his patient in the
operating suite begins before the wielding of the knife.
Much can be done to assure the patients comfort by
placing him in a quiet atmosphere out of the hospital
traffic. The placing of the sedated patient on a trolley
in the hallway or just outside the operating room door
for more than a few moments is considered cruel and
unreasonable. Most properly equipped operating suites
will have an anesthesia induction room to protect the
patient from such disturbances. Here patients who have
been given premedication and are waiting for surgery
are kept. The anesthetist once again reviews the patient
here, who has already been examined in the pre-
aneasthetic clinic on the previous day. There after the
patient is wheeled into operation room with the
permission of the anesthetist.
The access to operation theater and recovery area is
restricted to operation theater personnel only, who are
required to don clean scrub dress, cap, mask and shoes.
This is to maintain the sterility of the operation theater.
The ceiling, walls and floors of the operation rooms
are regularly disinfected prior to surgery. This is done
by fumigation. Fumigation can be achieved by the use
of fumigators. The chemical used is 40 percent formalin.
Fumigator is set for 30 minutes. The parameters and the
optimum levels for effective fumigation are as follows:

  1. Relative humidity (RH)—play a significant role in
    fumigation. A minimum of 70 percent is essential.
    Higher the humidity, better is the disinfection. Water
    used in the fumigator along with the fumigant
    (formalin) helps to achieve and maintain the desired

  2. Temperature—Evaporation of gaseous fumigant is
    more at the higher temperature. The use of fumigator
    makes the temperature factor less important since it
    allows the formation of mist in the operation theater.

  3. Formaldehyde levels in the air—should be ideally 5
    ppm or more.The dose of formalin is usually decided
    by the size of the room. As a general rule, about 180
    ml is used for a room of the size 1000 cubic feet (=10
    × 10 × 10 feet)
    Parameters Optimum levels for effective fumigation
    Relative humidity Over 70 %
    Temperature 30-40 0 C
    Formaldehyde levels 5 ppm or more
    Following fumigation, ideally swabs are taken and
    culture done to ensure the sterility of the operation room.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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