خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة
Central nursing station:
The central nursing station should be located so as to allow an unobstructed view of each patient. This is problematic if the patient beds are in straight line, and easier if the beds are placed along an arch opposite the nursing station. -It should provide seating arrangement for at least one nurse and one physician. There should be counters for writing notes and for reception and interaction with other staff. -The station should have adequate room for storage of essential items, records, charts, and supplies. A telephone at the station is a must. Also, an alarm button should be provided here which can be activated whenever there is any dire emergencey in the ICU. - A mobile emergency trolley carrying all emergency drugs required for cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be at hand at the nursing station. -Medication preparation area should be closed to the nursing station and patient area. Equipment in this area include a counter top, a refrigerator, locked cabinet for narcotics and expensive drugs, and a wash basin. -The other accommodation in the ICU will include nurses room with toilet, doctors' room with toilet, and store room. Air conditioning: Ideally the ICU should be centrally air-conditioned, and designed to provide 7-8 air change per hour and a positive pressure to prevent reentry of outside contaminated air. Adequate number of window type air conditioners with efficient filters is the next best option Storage room: An ICU has a large number of items of various equipment. It is necessary to have a large storage area to house equipment, stretchers, ECG machines and numerous other items of storage. - The storage room should have an area of about 15-20 percent of the patient area. Lighting and electricity: The main light at the bed head should be fitted with a dimmer switch. Additionally a high intensity emergency light or spot focusing light should also be provided. - Due to multiple electrical gadgets required to be used for the patient, each room or patient cubicle should have at least four or five power sockets on either side of the bed, two of which must be of 15 Amp rating, to plug on mobile X ray machine or other high power equipment. Visitor lounge: A visitor's lounge, where such people can wait their turn to go in for a brief period to see the patient thus becomes almost a necessity near the ICU. In the entrance, space can be provided for donning caps and masks, and gown if considered necessary.
Central nursing station:
The central nursing station should be located so as to allow an unobstructed view of each patient. This is problematic if the patient beds are in straight line, and easier if the beds are placed along an arch opposite the nursing station. -It should provide seating arrangement for at least one nurse and one physician. There should be counters for writing notes and for reception and interaction with other staff. -The station should have adequate room for storage of essential items, records, charts, and supplies. A telephone at the station is a must. Also, an alarm button should be provided here which can be activated whenever there is any dire emergencey in the ICU. - A mobile emergency trolley carrying all emergency drugs required for cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be at hand at the nursing station. -Medication preparation area should be closed to the nursing station and patient area. Equipment in this area include a counter top, a refrigerator, locked cabinet for narcotics and expensive drugs, and a wash basin. -The other accommodation in the ICU will include nurses room with toilet, doctors' room with toilet, and store room. Air conditioning: Ideally the ICU should be centrally air-conditioned, and designed to provide 7-8 air change per hour and a positive pressure to prevent reentry of outside contaminated air. Adequate number of window type air conditioners with efficient filters is the next best option Storage room: An ICU has a large number of items of various equipment. It is necessary to have a large storage area to house equipment, stretchers, ECG machines and numerous other items of storage. - The storage room should have an area of about 15-20 percent of the patient area. Lighting and electricity: The main light at the bed head should be fitted with a dimmer switch. Additionally a high intensity emergency light or spot focusing light should also be provided. - Due to multiple electrical gadgets required to be used for the patient, each room or patient cubicle should have at least four or five power sockets on either side of the bed, two of which must be of 15 Amp rating, to plug on mobile X ray machine or other high power equipment. Visitor lounge: A visitor's lounge, where such people can wait their turn to go in for a brief period to see the patient thus becomes almost a necessity near the ICU. In the entrance, space can be provided for donning caps and masks, and gown if considered necessary.
تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص
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نعمل علي العديد من الإضافات والمميزات لتسهيل عملية التلخيص وتحسينها
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