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1.The empty filter is spun again to remove residual ethanol, and the silica filter is allowed to dry at room temperature.After filtration gel is added onto a silica spin column filter and centrifuged that will 2.Filtrate is discarded, and washing step repeated three times.2.3.4.

Original text

  1. After filtration gel is added onto a silica spin column filter and centrifuged that will 2. cause binding of DNA to the filter. 2. Next, the bound DNA is washed by adding 70% ethanol to the filter, followed by centrifugation, which will remove residual impurities from the filter. 3. Filtrate is discarded, and washing step repeated three times. The empty filter is spun again to remove residual ethanol, and the silica filter is allowed to dry at room temperature. Water is added to the filter, and centrifugation is performed again. The purified DNA is collected at the bottom of the tube. 4.

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